Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Excel Export builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Excel Export builder.
Table 1. Excel Export builder inputs Input name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Export File Name File name to be used for the exported Excel content. Data Export Select a source of the data to export. You can choose:
- Export from Page Element
- To export the contents of a named element on a page defined in your model. Typically, this page element contains data created by another builder (Data Page). For the export to be performed correctly, the content must be structured as an HTML table so that the builder can transform rows and columns in the table into corresponding rows and columns in the exported Excel spreadsheet.
- Export from Indirect Reference
- To export the content of a schema-typed source such as a variable in the model. As with page element sources, the content of the indirect reference must be structured as an HTML table. You should also review the inputs available in the XML Element Handling group for a way to have the builder automatically convert arbitrary table-like XML into HTML tables prior to export.
Source Page This input is available when Export from Page Element is selected for the Data Export input.
Use this input to identify the page in your model that contains HTML table data to be exported by the builder.
Source Element This input is available when Export from Page Element is selected for the Data Export input. Use this input to identify the element on the selected page that contains the HTML table data to be exported as an Excel file
Source Reference This input is available when Export from Page Element is selected for the Data Export input. Use this input to specify the indirect reference that provides the HTML table data to be exported as an Excel file.
Header Lookup Table This input is available if Export from Indirect Reference is selected for the Data Export input. Select one name from the names of the Lookup Table builder calls in the model. The builder generates a header row that uses the specified Lookup Table builder call inputs to derive labels for each column. The labels and values in the Lookup Table builder call must match the XML element names in the exported data. The case of the names must match. If an element name does not match a Lookup Table value, the element name is used as the column header label.
Add Export Button/Link Use this input to add a page control that, when clicked, causes your data to be exported as an Excel file. You can choose:
- Image Button
- To use an image as an export button
- Button
- To add an export button to the page
- Link
- To add an export link to the page.
Export Button/Link Location Use the Page Location input to specify the page on which the export button or link is to be placed. If Export from Page Element is selected for the Data Export input, the page location should be on the same page where the data to be exported is displayed
Image File This input is available when Add Export Button/Link input is Image Button. Specify the image file which represents and initiates the Excel Export operation.
Default Image File: /factory/images/tools/excel.gif
Alt Image Text This input is available when Add Export Button/Link is Image Button. This setting corresponds to the HTML image tag alt= and title= attributes. Enter the text to appear when the mouse pointer is placed over the image or when the image cannot be displayed.
Export Button/Link Label This input is available when Add Export Button/Link is Button or Link. Enter a label that is to be displayed as the text of the export button or link.
Example: Export Sales Data Worksheet
XML Element Handling
Table Element Names This input is available when the Data Export input is Export From Indirect Reference. Enter a comma-delimited list of XML element names that should be treated as table-like structures.
Before performing an export, the builder looks for the named elements and converts them into HTML tables.
Parent topic: Excel Export builder
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