Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
The IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer interface
WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer provides a rich user interface for editing models and developing web applications.
You use the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory perspective when you run WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer. This perspective provides special menus and other features to support editing your models and constructing web applications. Click Window > Open Perspective > Other > WebSphere Portlet Factory to activate this perspective. The title of the window indicates that the WebSphere Portlet Factory perspective is in use.
The following are the major WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer user interface (UI) elements.
- Project Explorer and Model Navigator
- The Project Explorer view presents a tree-based directory hierarchy that displays all the objects that comprise the current project. You can open an object, such as a model or profile set, by navigating to it and double-clicking on it. The object is displayed in an appropriate editor.
The Model Navigator view presents a subset of the Project Explorer to let you more easily access models and profile sets. Click Window > Show View > Model Navigator to display the view.
In both views, you can expand the hierarchy and filter the display.
Note: Do not use the Project Explorer or Model Navigator to rename project artifacts (for example, models or profile sets). Because WebSphere Portlet Factory references some artifacts (such as profile sets) by ID rather than by name, renaming an artifact in either the Project Explorer or Model Navigator causes problems when a model is regenerated or run.
To rename a model or profile set, use the Refactor > Rename command.
- Outline
- This view displays the builder call list for the currently selected model. This is a sequential listing by number, name, or type, of each builder call in the model. Builder calls that are profiled display a profile icon.
- Problems
- WebSphere Portlet Factory uses the Eclipse Problems view to display warnings and error messages related to model generation and behavior.
When an error is caused by a specific builder call, double-clicking on the error in the Problems list opens the related builder call for editing in the builder call editor.
- Applied Profiles
- This view provides access to apply one or more profiles to a model. This view also allows you to manage combinations of profiles when multiple profiles are applied to the same model. It has content only when an open model is selected in the edit area. Click Window > Show View > Applied Profiles to display the view.
- Properties
- This view displays selected builder inputs and their current settings.
- Resource Log
- This view displays significant events in current project session. Click Window > Show View > Resource Log to display the view.
- Model editor
- The tabs with the model icon (
) at the top of the Editor area of the perspective provide access to the project models that are open for editing. The tab with focus displays an X and populates the content of all the views.
When a tab displays an asterisk (*), there are unsaved changes in the model.
- Profile editor
- The tabs with the profile set icon (
) at the top of the Editor area of the perspective provide access to the project profile sets that are open for editing. The tab with focus displays an X and populates the content of all the views. When a tab displays an asterisk (*), there are unsaved changes in the profile set. The profile editor contains the following tabbed panels:
- Manage Profiles
- This panel lets you edit profile entries.
- Entries
- This panel lets you define profile entries in a profile set.
- Select Handler
- This panel lets you edit profile selection settings and choose a profile selection handler.
Parent topic: Overview of IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer
- Using Project Explorer and the Model Navigator view
Project Explorer is an enhanced version of the standard Navigator.
- About the Outline view
The Outline view displays the builder call list for the model that you selected in the edit area.
- About the model editor
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer uses several panels in the editor area of the WebSphere Portlet Factory perspective to create and develop models for a web application.
- The Resource Log view
This view shows the results of the last Add or Remove Feature Set (or WebApp) operation performed in this Eclipse session.
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