Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Rich Data Definition builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Rich Data Definition builder.


General inputs

Table 1. General inputs
Input Name Description
Schema Select a schema that contains the fields to modify.

All schemas in the model are displayed in the select list.

Data Definition Type Defines the mechanism used to convert schema elements into another format. You can choose:

Read Data Definition File

To apply an existing file of conversion properties to the schema.

Specify Data Definitions in Builder UI

To manually enter in this builder editor individual properties that are applied to the schema. For more information, see Data Definition Editor.

Note: The builder optionally creates a file that contains your entries.

Data Definition File This input is available when the Data Definition Type input is Read Data Definition File.

Use it to specify an existing XML-based Data Definition File to apply to the schema.

Base Data Definition File This input is available when you choose Specify Data Definitions in Builder UI as the Data Definition Type input. (This input is hidden when Read Data Definition file is selected as the Data Definition Type input, and the base file is specified within the file.)

Use this input if you want the Data Definition File to inherit properties from another (Base) Data Definition File. Select the Data Definition File to be used as the parent Data Definition File from which properties are inherited.

You can set the base in the XML file, directly under the root DataDefinitions element as follows:

Reorder Elements Enable this input to reorder fields in the order that you specify.


Data Definition Editor

These inputs are available if you select Specify Data Definitions in Builder UI in the Data Definition Type input. For more information, see General inputs.

Table 2. Data Definition Editor inputs
Input Name Description
Container Element Select the schema container element to edit.

You can choose any schema container schema element that contains leaf nodes. In some cases, such as a Domino view or an SQL table, you have only one choice. In other schemas, such as for SAP, the data might display a number of container elements.

Fields For each field in the schema, you can specify some or all of the following conversion properties:


Alternate text string for display

Base Data Definition

Data definition with BASE attribute set. Field settings are inherited from this base definition.


Enable to make the field a required field. This field must contain a user entry.

Data Type

Select a data type for the field.

Enumeration Values

A comma-separated list of choices.


Enable to hide the field.

Read Only

Enable to make field a display field. No data can be entered in such a field.

Formatting Expression

Select a format for the field from the list of formats. For example, if you choose the format expression DateTimeFormat(FormatString), the string FormatString is replaced with the evaluated version of what the user entered in the Format Expression Argument input before it is passed to the Formatter.

Validate Expression

To provide data entry validation of the field, select a validation expression. Choose one of the validate expressions to apply to the field data being submitted. The validate method implements server-side validation and operates on the value returned by the translate method (if translate is used).

Note: The following date comparison methods are available to support date validation: Date>today, Date>=today, Date=today, Date<=today, Date<today.

Translate Expression

Select one of the available translate expressions to apply to the field data being submitted. Translating refers to modifying user input for storage as data. For example, a user may insert dashes when entering a Social Security number in a form. A translate method could remove the hyphens from the user input, creating a value that can now be stored as data. Similarly, the Credit Card 16 digit expression removes hyphen (-) and space characters from a string and ignores errors.


Save Sample Data Definition File

Table 3. Save Sample Data Definition File input
Input Name Description
Create Data Definition File This input is available when Specify data Definitions in Builder UI is selected as the Data Definition Type input.

Click to create an XML-based data definition file that contains the properties you specified in the Fields editor.

Typically, you do this to create a reusable library file of the data definitions you specified.

You are prompted to name the file and provide a save location.



Table 4. Advanced input
Input Name Description
Data Definition This input is available when Specify data Definitions in Builder UI is selected as the Data Definition Type input.

You can use this input to profile data definitions that are not supported or displayed in the builder user interface (UI).

Parent topic: Rich Data Definition builder

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