Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Objects that the Portal Document Manager Access builder creates
This topic describes the objects that are created by the Portal Document Manager Access builder.
Linked Java object and LJO methods
- buildername
- LJO used for create, retrieve, update, delete, and search operations on the Content Model. Also provides methods for downloading the document content.
The following methods are available from the LJO.
- void createDocument(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Creates a new document in the Content Model from the buildernameDetail variable. The folder id and containment property must be specified in the buildernameCreateCriteria variable.
Because this input has two input parameters and is difficult to use with the Service Operation builder in a service provider model, use the createDocumentWithCriteria method.
- void createDocumentWithCriteria(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Creates a new document in the Content Model. This method is the same as the createDocument method, except that the buildernameDetail and buildernameCreateCriteria variables are contained within a single schema-typed variable, buildernameWithCreateCriteria.
Use this method in a service provider model.
- void deleteDocument(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Deletes the document specified in the variable buildernameGetCriteria.
- void deleteDocumentById(WebAppAccess webAppAccess , String id)
- Deletes the document with the given id from the Content Model.
- void downloadDocumentContent(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Retrieves the document specified by the document id in the buildernameGetCriteria variable and streams the document binary content back to the browser.
- void findDocuments(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Searches the Content Model using the search criteria specified in buildernameSearchCriteria. Search results are stored in the buildernameSearchResults variable.
- void getDocument(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Retrieves a document from the Content Model using the buildernameGetCriteria variable. The retrieved document is stored in the buildernameDetail variable.
- String getIdForPath(WebAppAccess webAppAccess, String path)
- Returns the unique id for a document, folder or document library represented by the path parameter.
- String getPathForId(WebAppAccess webAppAccess, String id)
- Returns the path of a document, folder, or document library represented by the id parameter.
- void lockById(String id)
- Locks the document.
- void unlockById(String id)
- Unlocks the document.
- void updateDocument(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
- Updates a document in the Content Model with data from the buildernameDetail variable.
- buildernameSchema
- Represents the document type selected in the builder. Also contains XSD schema elements for search results, a search criteria, get criteria, and create criteria.
- buildernameCreateCriteria
- Schema-typed variable that holds the parent identification of the document to be created. Also contains the parent collection property name that will hold the new document. For instance, a parent of a document can be a Folder. The collection property of a Folder is documents.
- buildernameDetail
- Schema-typed variable containing the detail of a document or document container. Used to display document details and collect new document inputs.
- buildernameGetCriteria
- Schema-typed variable which holds the document id of a document or document container to be fetched from the Content Model.
- buildernamePropertyLookupXmlData
- Holds the properties of a document type. Automatically populated.
- buildernameSearchCriteria
- Schema-typed variable to hold the search criteria. This includes the search paths, search string, names of properties to search on, the maximum number of documents to fetch, and whether or not to search subpaths.
- buildernameSearchResults
- Schema-typed variable that contains the search results that match the search criteria.
- buildernameWithCreateCriteria
- Schema-typed variable that holds the parent identification of the document to be created with the createDocumentWithCriteria method and holds the parent collection property name that is to hold the new document. The variable contains the buildernameDetail variable (from which the new document is created in the Content Model) and buildernameCreateCriteria variable (in which the folder id and containment property must be specified).
For example, a parent of a document can be a Folder. The collection property of a Folder is documents.
- CMSearchTypeXmlData
- Variable to hold the available search types that can be performed. Automatically populated.
- buildernameDetailDecodeEvent
- Fired when a document is being retrieved. Allows you to delegate decoding of the binary content to a custom method.
- buildernameSearchResultsDecodeEvent
- Fired for each search result. Allows you to delegate decoding of the binary content to a custom method.
Created only when the Search Results Content Handling input is Custom (Fire A Decode Event).
Parent topic: Portal Document Manager Access builder
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