Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Construct names and their inner elements

This topic describes all the fundamental construct names and the named XML elements that are valid within each construct in page automation templates.

These XML elements appear within the XML of the construct itself. Both the construct name and the inner element names are specified using HTML NAME= attribute.

Note: Only construct names can have qualifiers. Inner names must be exact, and are case sensitive. Many inner name elements end with Container. All these elements are emptied before the construct is used. Thus, you can create any inner construct in place inside the container without disturbing the container.

Elements marked with (opt n) are optional. The opt number n designates the policy used to handle the case where these optional elements are missing. See the table below for descriptions of the four policies.

Construct Name Inner Elements Contains Constructs
DisplayPageWrapper PageContentsContainer TableWrapper


DataEntryPageWrapper PageContentsContainer TableWrapper


DisplayGroupWrapper LabelContainer (opt 1)

GroupContainer (opt 2)



DisplayGroup RepeatElement (opt 4)


DisplayGroupLabel LabelText (opt 1)  
DisplayField LabelText (opt 1)  
DataEntryGroupWrapper LabelContainer (opt 1)

GroupContainer (opt 2)



DataEntryGroup RepeatElement (opt 4)


DataEntryGroupLabel LabelText (opt 1)  
DataEntryField FieldLabel (opt 1)

FieldElement (opt 2)

FieldRequired (opt 1)

FieldValidationError (opt 1)

TableWrapper LabelContainer (opt 1)

GroupContainer (opt 2)



TableLabel LabelText (opt 1)  
Table TableHeaderContainer (opt 1)




ColumnHeader HeaderElement (opt 2)  
ColumnHeaderSorted HeaderElement (opt 2)  
ColumnData DataElement (opt 2)  

  • Opt. 1: If this element is not present, then the entire element, plus anything it would have contained, will be skipped. For example, to make a table with no header row, create a Table construct without any TableHeaderContainer element.

  • Opt. 2: If this element is not present, it will default to the primary construct node. For example, a ColumnData construct might consist of just the HTML <TD name=ColumnData_text></TD>. In this case, there is no contained element named DataElement, so it will just use the ColumnData XML node as the DataElement.

  • Opt. 3: Within a Table construct, if the DataContainer element is missing, it will default to the RepeatElement. Therefore, you need only make these inner elements separate if you want to repeat something more than just the data element (such as a spacer row between data rows).

  • Opt. 4: Within a DataEntryGroup or a DisplayGroup construct, if the RepeatElement is missing, it will default to the DataContainer.

    Note: This is the opposite of how these inner elements work inside a Table construct. This reflects the relative importance of the inner elements to the construct. Because a table nearly always contains a repeat section, the RepeatElement is considered to be more important in tables. However, for DataEntryGroup and DisplayGroup, which usually do not repeat (though they can), the DataContainer is considered to be more important.

Note: If you allow the GroupContainer to default to the construct node for the DisplayGroupWrapper or the DataEntryGroupWrapper, this has the effect of overwriting the LabelContainer, if there is one. This is because the GroupContainer, being a container, is always emptied before the construct is used. Therefore, to use the LabelContainer, explicitly specify a GroupContainer as a separate, inner element.

Parent topic: Page Automation HTML templates

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