Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Client JavaScript builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Client JavaScript builder.
Table 1. Client JavaScript builder inputs Input Name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Location Type Select Explicit page location to specify the Page Location. Select In HEAD tag to specify the page name. Page Location When Explicit page location has been selected, you can specify one of the following:
- On Named Tag
Allows you to specify the page from you model and the tag on that page
- Relative to Named Tag
Allows you to specify a page and a named tag. Then you can specify a relative position for a new tag.
- Advanced
Allows you to specify the complete page location information.
Script Source Type Specifies where to get the source from. Choose one of the following:
- Specify explicitly as builder input
Allows you to specify the source directly.
- Link to file/URL
Allows you to link to a file or URL.
- Import from file/URL
- Allows you to import a file or URL.
JavaScript Enter JavaScript to use when the model is run or enter an indirect reference to a variable containing the JavaScript (for example, ${Variables/variablename}. Do not surround the JavaScript with <SCRIPT> tags because the Script builder adds them at run time. In this field, you can provide JavaScript that writes text. For example:
document.writeln("<b> Hello!</b>");In the example above, Hello! is written in bold text to the page. The following is the code created by the builder at run time:
<script name="HelloText" language="JavaScript"> document.writeln("<b> Hello!</b>"); </script>where HelloText is the span tag assigned to the Client JavaScript builder. Important: Enter only client-side JavaScript in the JavaScript field.
Parent topic: Client JavaScript builder
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