Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Category View builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Category View builder.


General inputs

Table 1. General inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Container Field The page automation container that this builder operates on.

This should be the row element in a repeating data set.

Category Selection Choose one of the following:

Use Domino category rows

Select this to use Domino data which is categorized, and which includes the category rows (Rows to include set to All Rows in Domino View & Form builder) or when the data has been massaged to include category rows.

Specify one or more columns by which to group the data

Select this to use categorized data, but doesn't include explicit category rows. If this is selected, the Categories input becomes visible.
Categories This input is available when the Specify one or more columns by which to group the data choice is enabled in the Category Selection input.

The table displays each child field under the container field. Use the Type field to select whether a column should be treated as a Category or as a Normal column.

Columns treated as Category are expandable.

Span Columns Enable to force expanded category cells to span across the cells to their right in the table.

This lets you make collapsed category columns small in width and expanded columns wider.

Expanded Image URL to image used to expand the row.

Default image is a triangular icon similar icon used in Lotus Domino for similar purpose.

Expanded Alternate Text Specify the text for the HTML alt attribute to be used to describe the expanded image.
Collapsed Image URL to image used to collapse the row.

Default image is a triangular icon similar icon used in Lotus Domino for similar purpose.

Collapsed Alternate Text Specify the text for the HTML alt attribute to be used to describe the collapsed image.
Expand/Collapse Trigger Use this input to select the UI element used to activate Expand and Contract operations. You can choose an Icon, Column Text, or both approaches.


Data Categorization

Table 2. Data Categorization inputs
Input name Description
Data Categorization Use this input to indicate the type of data the Builder will be working with. You can choose:

None: Assume data is already categorized

To use data that is categorized

Create Method to categorize data

To create a method that will categorize the data. This method will be named: nameCategorizer

Auto: Categorize data on first load

To create the above method and hook it up as a page event handler (only runs once per piece of data)
Column Types Use this table to specify how each category gets compared with other values in this column. Comparisons include: Case Sensitive String, Case Insensitive String, Date and Numbers.
Date Format This input is available when Date is specified in the Column Types input.

Select a date format to use for the column type comparison. Once you select a format, the Sample field displays a date in that format.

Parent topic: Category View builder

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