Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Calendar Picker builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Calendar Picker builder.
General inputs
Table 1. General inputs Input name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Page Location Page or pages on which this builder call acts.
Popup calendar
Table 2. Popup calendar inputs Input name Description Button Type The button representing the calendar on the page can be one of the following types:
- Text
- A standard text-based button
- Image
- An image used to represent the button
Button Label Available when Button Type input is Text. Provide text for the button label associated with the popup calendar in the page. Example: Start Date Button Image Available when Button Type input is Image. Enter the path to the image file used to represent the Button. Example: my_button_image.jpg Button Hover Image Optional. Available when Button Type input is Image. Enter path to image displayed during mouse-over. Button Pressed Image Optional. Available when Button Type input is Image. Enter path to image displayed when button is pressed.
Button Style Class Specify a stylesheet class to apply to the button. Use the class to control appearance, for example, adding padding or modifying button colors.
Date Format Either select a date format from the list of formats or enter a custom format (must be the standard Java Date formats). If a format is not selected or entered, the default short format is used for the current user's locale. The format you choose is entered into the date field supported by this calendar picker.
The Calendar Picker builder can format the selected date using a restricted set of the standard Java Date formats. The allowable characters are y, M, and d; and any other characters are considered date separators. Examples: MM/dd/yy M/d/yy dd/MM/yyyy
HTML attributes
Table 3. HTML attributes inputs Input name Description Size for the associated input, in characters Determines the width of the text input in characters. The user may enter more characters than displayed. For example, a value of 10 sets the size of the text input control to ten characters wide. If a user enters a greater number of characters than 10, the text input control displays the last ten characters entered.
Maxlength Determines the largest amount of characters accepted for the text input. Additional characters entered into the text input are ignored. For example, a value of 5 can be used for a text input that prompts the user to enter their five-digit ZIP code.
Table 4. Localization inputs Input name Description Localized Resource Use this input to specify an existing localized resource in the model to use with this builder. This resource is used to localize text displayed on the calendar picker.
The following keys must be defined (sample text provided)
- CANCEL= Cancel
- CLOSE= Close
- DAY_NAMES= Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat
Note: In some locales, you can display the first day of the week as a day other than Sunday. Use a date index. The builder uses the index number as the zero-based index of the first day to display. For example, the following string results in Monday being displayed as the first day of a week: 1|Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat
- MONTH_NAMES=January|February|March|April|
- May|June|July|August|September|
- October|November|December
- NEXT_MONTH=Next Month
- OK=Ok
- PREVIOUS_MONTH=Previous Month
Table 5. Advanced inputs Input name Description Initial value Specify a starting date for the calendar widget. You can either enter a date value directly or specify a reference to a WebApp object that contains the initial date value.
Note: The format of the value you specify here should be the same format specified in the Date Format input.
Calendar Style Sheet Specify an alternate style sheet to apply to the Calendar Picker builder. The style sheet supplied must contain the required class names. For more information, refer to the default style sheet located in your project WebContent folder: factory\clientjavascript\wclCalendar\css\WclBaseSkinCSS.css
Parent topic: Calendar Picker builder
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