Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Concrete builder input widget classes

The following are concrete classes for builder input widgets.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Displays dialog which allows users to select an action from the WebApp, which is used to populate the text builder input widget.


Table 1. com.bowstreet.widget.ActionChooser arguments
Name Type Description
showMethodsWithArguments true/false (false) Whether or not to show methods with arguments- only applies to ActionList
showSpecialActions true/false


Whether or not to show "special" actions- return, assignment, and so on.
useIndirectReferencePicker true/false (false) If true, use the indirect reference chooser.


Extends com.bowstreet.widgets.ListWidget. Displays a list with a single column. In each row, the user can select an action, thus creating a list of actions to be performed.


Table 2. com.bowstreet.widget.ActionList arguments
Name Type Description
same as ListWidget   For information, see Table 12.
allowAdd Boolean Can user add row to end of table (TRUE)
allowReorder Boolean Can user reorder table rows (TRUE)
allowDynamicUpdate Boolean Allow setting of value without stopping editing in current cell (FALSE)
minColumnSize Integer Allow user to specify min col size
CustomChoices   Provides a way for adding arbitrary nodes to a contained tree picker.

Example: "Fruits/Pear Fruits/Apple"


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. Basic button builder input widget.


Table 3. com.bowstreet.widget.Button argument
Name Type Description
label String Label for button


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. Basic checkbox builder input widget.


Table 4. com.bowstreet.widget.CheckBox arguments
Name Type Description
listData comma-delimited list (false,true) List of values to be returned when getData() is called-if more than two, all but first two are ignored.
listDataObject instance of java.util.Collection (null) List of values to be returned when getData() is called- if more than two, all but first two are ignored.
selectItem one of the listData items (false) Initial value of check widget.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Chooser type widget, which allows the user to select a fully qualified class name. The chooser is populated with classes contained in jars in <IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory install path>/WEB-INF/lib (with core factory jars filtered out), and classes from jars and directories contained in the directories specified in the IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory property bowstreet.dynamic.class.load.path.


Table 5. com.bowstreet.widget.ClassChooser argument
Name Type Description
allowPackageSelection true/false (false) If set to true, allow package selection, and will format the returned value if it is a package (for example, com.bowstreet.*).


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. Combo builder input widget.


Table 6. com.bowstreet.widget.Combo arguments
Name Type Description
memoryKey String If this argument is specified, values which are entered into the combo box will be remembered, that is, they will kept in a file and shown in the selection list for any combo box which shares the same memoryKey. If list items are also set by listData and listLabels arguments, the memory values will be concatenated with the argument values.
listData comma-delimited list List of values for the combo box selections.
listLabels comma-delimited list List of values for the combo box selections.
selectedItem String Item which will be presented when the combo box is first displayed.
listDataObject java.util.Collection object Collection object containing the data for the combo box selections.
listLabelObject java.util.Collection object Collection object containing the labels for the combo box selections, corresponding to the values in the listDataObject.
isEditable true/false (false) Specifies whether or not the user can directly type values into the text area.


Extends com.bowstreet.builders.widgets.AbstractComboListWidget. Combo list builder input widget that displays list of controls for page specified by argument.


Table 7. com.bowstreet.widget.ControlPicker argument
Name Type Description
page String Page to display controls for. If "all_pages_in_webapp" specified as value for page argument, the combo will present a list of controls from all pages in the web app.


Extends com.bowstreet.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. This is only meant to be used programmatically by other builder input widgets. It will display a red error message instead of a builder input widget to indicate that an error has occurred creating the builder input widget. The error message is specified by the ErrorWidget constructor.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.builders.widgets.AbstractComboListWidget. Display the available fields for use by the page automation builders.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Presents a picker which allows the user to select a file, which is used to populate the text box.


Table 8. com.bowstreet.widget.FileChooser arguments
Name Type Description
InitialPath String (none) The path that the file dialog will initially open to. For this and the rootDirectory argument, you can start the value with ${bowstreet.rootDirectory}, and the widget will translate that into the actual path of the bowstreet root directory (usually servable content root/WEB-INF).

Note: The value for this argument must be in the Eclipse project workspace, otherwise it will be ignored.

rootDirectory String The top level of the file picker, will be the project workspace by default.

Note: The value for this argument must be in the Eclipse project workspace, otherwise it will be ignored.

selectionMode file,directory,both (file) Whether the user can select files, directories, or both.
title String (Choose File) Specify the title of the chooser dialog
filterExtensions comma-delimited list Specify list of filters to use; can be of the form *.java or readme*.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.ButtonWidget. Button builder input widget which pops up a file-choosing UI.


Table 9. com.bowstreet.widget.FileMakerButton argument
Name Type Description
label String Label for button


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.Widgets.AbstractStyledTextWidget. Simple HTML editor- provides syntax highlighting appropriate for HTML, XML and JSP pages.


Table 10. com.bowstreet.widget.HTML argument
Name Type Description
tab integer value Set the tab value for the editor.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. Display a non-editable label.


Table 11. com.bowstreet.widget.Label arguments
Name Type Description
label String The text to display
foreground One of: blue, cyan, gray, green, magenta, red, yellow The color of the text to display.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. Display XML data in a table, and allow sub-builder input widgets to be used to edit data in individual cells.


Table 12. com.bowstreet.widget.List arguments
Name Type Description
allowAdd true/false (true) Can user add row to end of table
allowReorder true/false (true) Can user reorder table rows
allowDynamicUpdate true/false (false) Allow setting of value without stopping editing in current cell.
minColumnSize Integer Allow user to specify minimum column size.
CustomChoices   Provides a way for adding arbitrary nodes to a contained tree picker. Example:

Fruits/Pear Fruits/Apple

useColumnTags true/false (true) If set to false, do not add column tags in returned XML value.
offerRightClickMenu true/false (true) Whether or not to show right click context menu.
cellEditors IXml Specifies cell editors to be used in list; same format as <editors> node in bdef file.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.listWidget. Display XML data in a table, and displays additional row data in specified input builder input widget positioned next to table.


Table 13. com.bowstreet.widget.listInputWidget arguments
Name Type Description
See List Widget   All List widget arguments are supported, plus those below. For more information, see Table 12.
inputEditors IXml Same format as <editor> node in bdef file.
title String Title of table or input group.

Note: To set arguments on individual input field widgets, specify <input name>/<argument name>. For example:

input setArgument("MyInput/ListData","data1,data2,data3")


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractStyledTextWidget. Method editor builder input widget; allows editing a Java method, with auto-indenting, syntax highlighting, and code completion.


Table 14. com.bowstreet.widget.Method arguments
Name Type Description
tab integer Number of spaces for tabbing (auto-indent)
height integer Height of Method widget
linewrap true/false (false) Whether or not to wrap lines.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Presents dialog which allows user to select a model from the IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory models directory.


Table 15. com.bowstreet.widget.ModelChooser arguments
Name Type Description
modelProcessor String Used to filter which models are shown
externalPropertyName String Used to filter which models are shown
externalPropertyValue String Used to filter which models are shown


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. PageLocationWidget, compound builder input widget which allows user to specify location of control on page.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.TextFieldWidget. Text field which displays * rather than typed letters.

Arguments: none



Displays list of profile sets, allows user to select profile sets.


Table 16. com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget argument
Name Type Description
multiSelect true/false (false) Whether to allow selection of multiple profile sets.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. A RadioBox.


Table 17. com.bowstreet.widget.RadioBox arguments
Name Type Description
listData comma-delimited list Data returned when radio box selection is selected.
listLabels comma-delimited list List of labels for radio boxes.
selectItem String Value selected when radio box widget is first displayed.
listDataOjbect instance of java.util.Collection Data returned when radio box selection is selected.
listLabelsObject instance of java.util.Collection List of labels for radio boxes.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractBuilderWidget. Displays dialog which allows user to select indirect reference from webapp. If the contained builder input widget (specified by the editor argument) is a chooser type builder input widget, the dialog will have two tabs, one for indirect references and one for the other chooser dialog.


Table 18. com.bowstreet.widget.Reference arguments
Name Type Description
editor String An IXml element which describes the widget to be used by the Reference widget, with any arguments which are needed for the editor. If not specified, defaults to TextFieldWidget.
Variables true/false (true) Whether or not to show variables in picker.
Methods true/false (true) Whether or not to show methods in picker.
Inputs true/false (true) Whether or not to show inputs in picker.
Java true/false (true) Whether or not to show Java choice in picker.
useCurlyBrace true/false (true) Whether or not to wrap the returned result with ${}.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Chooser type builder input widget which displays schema types and elements from schemas in webapp.


Table 19. com.bowstreet.widget.Schema arguments
Name Type Description
filterNoNamespace true/false (false) If true, only show schemas which have an associated target namespace.
additionalSchemaTypes comma-delimited list Used to specify list of additional types to be displayed in schema chooser.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractTextWidget. TextArea builder input widget.


Table 20. com.bowstreet.widget.TextArea arguments
Name Type Description
height integer Height of TextArea widget
isEditable true/false (true) Whether or not the text area is editable.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractTextWidget. TextField builder input widget.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Used by builders like Data Page to select a structured input source. Lists variables, schema elements, and two special types for creating new types from elements in an HTML page.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. VariableElementsWidget. Chooser type builder input widget which will show elements appropriate to the variable type based on the schema associated with the builder.


Table 21. com.bowstreet.widget.VariableElements arguments
Name Type Description
variableName String Name of variable
trimParentPath true/false Whether to trim the parent path from the selected schema path.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Similar to ActionChooserWidget, initialized with showMethodsWithArguments set to true, showSpecialActions set to false, and an AcceptanceFilter set to a filter that only allows method actions.

Arguments: none


Combo box list of web app pages.


Table 22. com.bowstreet.widget.WebAppPage arguments
Name Type Description
addBlankChoice true/false (false) Whether to add a blank choice at the top of the list of pages
addAllPages true/false (false) Whether to add an All Pages option in the list of pages
showLinkedModelPages true/false (false) Whether to show linked model pages.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Picker for variable builder to display possible variable types.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractComboListWidget. Combo box list of variables in web app.

Arguments: none


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. Allows user to select a resource bundle file name. The chooser is populated based on all *.properties files in the IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory dynamic class loading directories (specified by the bowstreet.dynamic.class.load.path property in the bowstreet property files).


Table 23. com.bowstreet.widget.ResourceBundleChooser argument
Name Type Description
searchDirectory string Comma-delimited list of paths to search to populate the chooser (in addition to dynamic class directories).

Can be either a fully qualified path, or can use ${bowstreet.rootDirectory/<path> syntax


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. A generic Tree Chooser builder input widget; it will take a collection of strings and create a tree chooser from it.
<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>


Table 24. com.bowstreet.widget.TreeChooser arguments
Name Type Description
title string The title to be displayed on the title bar of the chooser dialog.
treedata Either a comma-delimited String, or a java.util.Collection object that contains Strings. Values should be delimited by a slash character (/), for example, a/b/c will be displayed as:

  • A

  • -B

  • -C
allowDirSelection true/false If true, nonterminal nodes can be selected and returned to the text field. If false, only terminal nodes can be selected.


Extends com.bowstreet.designer.builders.widgets.AbstractChooserWidget. A generic chooser builder input widget that displays a chooser dialog containing a SWT List control. The content of the list is set by arguments passed to the builder input widget.


Table 25. com.bowstreet.widget.ListChooserWidget arguments
Name Type Description
title string Title to be displayed on the title bar of the chooser dialog.
multiSelect true/false If true, allow multiple items to be selected
separatorChar String If multiSelect is being used, use this char as the delimiter between the choices in the returned string.
listData Either a comma-delimited String, or a java.util.Collection object If a Collection is passed in, each item will be converted to a String by toString(), and those Strings are used to populate the list.

Parent topic: Builder input widgets

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