Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Breadcrumbs builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Breadcrumbs builder.
General inputs
Table 1. General inputs Input Name Description Name Required. Enter a unique name for this builder call. This name is displayed in the builder call list. It is also used in the identification of the LJO that is created. See Objects that the Breadcrumbs builder creates. Prepare Page Method Optional. This method performs any processing required to fetch the data associated with the key that is passed as input. See About navigating through model pages and About navigating through data. Select Pages If you check this input, the Pages Participating input appears for you to specify the pages. If this input is not checked, breadcrumbs are displayed if you call the select method in the LJO that the builder creates.
Pages Participating This input appears only if the Select Pages input is checked. Select all pages in the model that participate in the breadcrumbs, that is, all pages which, when they are invoked, create a new breadcrumb in the list. For each model page, choose the selector that identifies that breadcrumb page to the breadcrumbs assistant.
The selector can be an indirect value, which means that the same model page can appear several times in the breadcrumbs, under different values of the selector and can show different data. For example, in a catalog application, you can have a model page for showing a group of items to purchase. The key can represent which group to show.
Breadcrumbs location
Table 2. Breadcrumbs location inputs Input Name Description Tag On Pages Required. Specify a string that indicates the location on which pages display the breadcrumbs. Every page in the model with this tag shows breadcrumbs. See About navigating through data.
Breadcrumbs appearance
Table 3. Breadcrumbs appearance inputs Input Name Description Title Text before Breadcrumbs Specify a description to be used as prefix for the breadcrumbs display. Separator Between Levels Define the characters to separate the breadcrumbs levels. Example: >> Base HTML Page Page to use as the base HTML of breadcrumb pages. Default Page: /factory/pages/breadcrumbs.html Breadcrumbs Stylesheet Select a style that will be applied to the background of individual pages in the breadcrumb trail. Default Stylesheet: /factory/pages/breadcrumbsstyles.css Title Text Style Class Select a style class to apply to the title text in the breadcrumb. Use a style class name from the stylesheet that you specified in the Breadcrumbs Stylesheet input. Default Class: breadcrumbsTitleText
Text/Link Style Class Select a style class to apply to the links/text nodes in the breadcrumb. Use a style class name from the stylesheet that you specified in the Breadcrumbs Stylesheet input. Default Class: breadcrumbsText Separator Style Class Select a style class to apply to the breadcrumb separator. Use a style class name from the stylesheet that you specified in the Breadcrumbs Stylesheet input. Default Class: breadcrumbsSeparator
Table 4. Advanced inputs Input Name Description Get Text Method Optional. Specify the method that accepts a key and returns text to display in the breadcrumbs control for that key. This method must accept either an object or a WebAppAccess and an object and it must return a string that is the text to display. See About navigating through model pages and About navigating through data.
If blank, the toString method of the key is used.
Data Provider Class Name Optional. Name of the custom class as a fully qualified Java class name. See A data provider class. Use Empty Constructor Optional. If you specify the Data Provider Class Name input, this option has the builder set up the code to construct one of your objects. You have the following choices:
- Clear the option to have the builder expect a constructor that takes two string arguments, the values that you enter for the Prepare Page Method and Get Text Method inputs.
- Set the option to have the builder expect a constructor with no arguments.
Parent topic: Breadcrumbs builder
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