Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Working with the Design and Pages panels
The Design and related Pages panels in the model editor provide a graphic representation of visual elements in a builder.
The Pages panel
The Pages panel shows thumbnail icons of all created pages and forms in the model. (The same generated elements are listed in the Application Tree.) Click the Pages tab to expose the pane. The icons let you more easily select a visible element in your model. The Views icon in the Pages toolbar lets you display list and details formats of the visible elements.
The Pages panel supports a popup menu that lets you more readily open builders that created or can modify the selected element.
The Design panel
The Design panel shows a visual representation of a visible element that is selected in either the Application Tree or the Pages panel. Clicking the Design tab exposes the Design panel. This panel lets you quickly and conveniently see visible elements in your model without having to generate the web application.
In the pane, tags are represented visually as boxes on the page. Tags appear in orange to indicate where to add a builder. The tag names are displayed in the boxes.
An arrow icon in the left side of the editor panel can be toggled to hide or expose the Application Tree and Pages panels. Hiding the other panels provides more room on the screen to work with the builder call editor. The visual representation includes a red star and red text indicators. These show that the associated elements have an error condition that remove in the builder call editor. Also included is a group icon that lets you easily operate on the aggregate element.
The Design panel is tightly connected to the Application Tree. If you select an element in the Design panel, the corresponding element in the Application Tree is selected. Also, the associated code in the Source panel is highlighted.
The panel supports popup menu options that help you develop your web application. The popup menu options available depend on the context of the element selected in the panel. Right-clicking any element or the group icon in the pane displays the menu. In the builder call editor of any builder that you add to your model from the Design panel popup menu, page and tag fields are pre-filled based on the context of the selected element.
Parent topic: About the model editor
- Previewing and interacting with your design
You can display a visual representation of your model.
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