Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Model editor popup menu

The popup menu in the model editor (that is, in the Application Tree, the Pages panel, and the Design panel) shows in the current context both the builder that created the selected object and available builders that can modify the selected generated element. The selections on the menu let you more readily start an appropriate builder. If you right-click a folder or generated element in the Application Tree, a generated element in the Pages panel, or a visual element in the Design panel, you see a popup menu with the following types of selections:


Lets you add a builder call for the element type associated with the selected folder. For example, if the selected folder is Events, you see Create > Event Declaration.

Open "name(builder-name)"

If you right-click the WebApp folder, lets you open the indicated builder call in the model. Typically, this is the builder call that was responsible for the creation of the WebApp folder.

Toggle breakpoint

Enables and disables a breakpoint on the selected generated element. Does not appear if you right-click a folder in the Application Tree.

Open "element-name(builder-creator)"

Runs the builder call editor for the builder type that created the selected element.

Open "element-name(builder-modifier)"

Runs the builder call editor for a builder that can modify the selected element. There can be multiple commands for this type of selection.


Offers a list of builders in a category of all builders that declare they can modify the type of generated element or of the folder that is selected. There can be multiple categories.

In the submenu for a category, click a builder name to run the builder call editor to create in the model a new builder call that modifies the element.

The categories and list of builders are not exhaustive. Thus, a certain builder might be able to create a particular element, but it would not be on the list because it would not make sense in that context.

Add Builder Call

Displays the Builder Picker dialog so that you can select a builder call to add to the model.

Parent topic: About the model editor

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