Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory project properties for RCP – enable RCP WAB generation for a project
You must enable rich client platform support for a WebSphere Portlet Factory project to enable the project menu option to generate an RCP WAB, and the RCP inputs to the Portlet Adapter builder. Right click on a project in a project explorer or navigator view and select the Properties menu item, then WebSphere Portlet Factory, to modify the Rich Client Platform properties. These properties include whether or not you intend to build a RCP WAB, feature and update site for this project, and the name, description, id and version of the feature. If you choose to enable building an RCP WAB for the project, then additional RCP related builder inputs will be available for setting in Portlet Adapter builder calls. The feature name, description and the feature and plugin ids default to the project name, but you can change these values. For example, feature and plugin names often have the form, com.mycompany.myproject or a similar multicomponent name. The feature version defaults to 1.0.0, but you can change this value when significant changes have been made to the functionality provided by the project. By default, a folder based eclipse update site is generated for the WAB and feature associated with the project, at the root of the project hierarchy, with a name like WPFExpeditorUpdateSiteprojectname, if RCP WAB generation is enabled with this RCP property dialog. To generate a WAR file for the update site so that it can be deployed to a J2EE appserver and accessed as an http based update site, select the option to wrap the update site in a WAR. The generated update WAR file for your site will also be placed in the root of the project hierarchy if and when it is generated.
Parent topic: About Building IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory-based Web Application Bundles (WAB) for Rich Client Platforms (RCP)
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