Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Specification of Choices
Some input types in the Variable Input Control builder Extra Data input table support Choices.
The types that support Choices can accept a string or an XML structure for the value. When the value evaluates to a string, the string is treated as a comma-delimited list. In this case, you can start the string with two commas (see the Extra Data input examples) to indicate a blank first choice.
When the value evaluates to a list of choices, the list must be an XML structure. Such a list might be stored in a variable or be supplied by a service output. Regardless of its source, the XML structure should have the following format.
<theList> <choice>First choice</choice> <choice>Second choice</choice> </theList>To have your choices display a different value from their actual value, you can include the different value separately in each choice element. Unlike the more specific builders (Select, Radio Box, and Selectable Input), you do not have the opportunity to specify the tag name for the Text Key and Value Key. You can specify the value by adding a value attribute to each choice element. For example:
<theList> <choice value="first">First choice</choice> <choice value="second">Second choice</choice> </theList>Parent topic: Variable Input Control builder
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