Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


User Attribute Handler

The User Attribute Handler is a profile selection handler used to select a profile for a user.

The handler selects the profile by matching a configurable user attribute (for example, a user's jobTitle attribute) against profile external segment associations, set in the advanced section of the profile editor for an individual profile. For matching purposes, this handler class uses the webAppAccess.getUserInfo().getUserAttribute(attrName) method to determine the value of the configured attribute for the specified user, and then to lookup profiles with a matching external segment association. The definition file for this handler is in stored in the following location.

The userAttribute property value specifies the name of the user attribute to use for profile selection.
 <Property name="userAttribute">jobTitle</Property>

If you have a need to do profile selection for different profile sets based on different user attributes (for example, jobTitle versus department), you may make a copy of the userattributehandler.xml config file, give it a new filename, a new name attribute for the <Handler> configuration element, and the alternate user attribute name.

Parent topic: Using sample handlers

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