Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Tree builder
Use the Tree builder to display a hierarchy of information and allow the user to select a single element from the hierarchy.
A tree is another select control. The Tree builder displays data in a familiar tree format, with open and close icons.
When you create a Tree builder, you pass it an XML structure, such as you might create in a variable, or that might be returned from a service call. The Tree builder provides a number of options for exactly how the tree should display, and the format in which it should return its value. When a page containing a Tree builder is rendered, a Tree Handler builder interprets your XML tree and constructs HTML to create the tree behavior.
Note: This builder output is rendered as a select list in browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. Consequently, various inputs to this builder (for example, Look & Feel items and Advanced items) do not apply in browsers other than Internet Explorer.
Quick tips
- Opening the Tree at the last selected node
- If you show a page with a tree on it and save the value from the tree, the next time you show that same page, if you pass in your saved value as the Selected Value, the same node initially displays as selected.
- Create your own node and leaf icons
- You can create your own icons for use in a Tree builder display. If you do, use an image size of 18 by 18 pixels.
Parent topic: Builder help
- About using the builder call editor
The builder call editor allows you to specify all the input values to a builder call.
- Locating control builder calls on pages
Each page location technique results in the generation of a Page Location string that determines on what pages, and where on those pages, the control builder calls are added.
- Tree Builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Tree builder.
- Customizing the tree display
You can control the display of the nodes and leaves of the tree with an XML structure stored in a variable or returned by a method or service.
- Getting the input value from the tree
This topic provides code that you can use to extract the selected value from the tree.
- Customizing the Tree Display
This XML structure controls the display of the Employees and Employee nodes for a tree structure.
- Configuring the tree to open at the last selected node
This topic describes the steps to follow to configure the tree to open at the last selected node.
- Overview: creating pages and forms
The pages and forms in your application provide for the viewing of data and the interaction between the user and the application logic and data.
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