Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Submit Form Event builder
The Submit Form Event builder adds a form submitted event declaration to the web application. Add an Event Handler builder call to the model to specify an action that handles the form submission or to execute some logic when the user submits the form. When you add an Event Handler builder to a model, set the following event name to handle the submit action for the form:
- Added event name is System:Form:BuilderCallName
Parent topic: Builder help
- About using the builder call editor
The builder call editor allows you to specify all the input values to a builder call.
- Locating control builder calls on pages
Each page location technique results in the generation of a Page Location string that determines on what pages, and where on those pages, the control builder calls are added.
- Submit Form Event Builder Input
The Submit Form Event builder takes the inputs described in this table.
- Overview: creating pages and forms
The pages and forms in your application provide for the viewing of data and the interaction between the user and the application logic and data.
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