Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


About specifying choices in profile manager

Refer to this information when specifying choices in profile manager.

For the RadioBox, Select, and SelectableInput UI types, specify the UI controls in the form of:

choice-1, choice-2, choice-3,...choice-n

For these three UI controls, the delimiter is the comma (,) character; for example:

East, West, North, South

When providing choices for the Select and SelectableInput types, you can start the list with a blank choice (thus forcing the user to enter or select an item). To start with a blank choice, simply enter the delimiter twice.

Note: You must place a list item within quotes if the item contains the delimiter; for example:

"Paris, France", "London, England", "Tokyo, Japan"

These following examples illustrate various ways you can specify fixed input to an interface control:

  • Five choices using the default delimiter: One, Two, Three, Four, Five

  • Four choices, including a blank first choice: ,,One, Two, Three

  • Choices that include the delimiter character within the choice: "Reno, NV", ", NV", "Bow, NH" (In this example spaces are stripped from the beginning and end of each choice, unless the space character is placed within quotes.)

Parent topic: Profile entries

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