Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


SAP BW connection pooling

There is not actually a pool of open connections used by this builder because the XMLA/SOAP protocol is connection-less.

However, the SAP BW builder uses the Apache Commons pooling mechanism to control access to a pool of tokens. Once a series of designated requests is in progress, further calls are blocked until one completes.

The properties that control connection pooling behavior are shown in Table 1. These properties should be set in the override.properties file located in the project WEB-INF/config directory.

Table 1. Properties that control connection pooling behavior
Property Default Value
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.enabled false
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.maxActiveSessions Commons DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.maxIdleSessions Commons DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.maxWait Commons DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.testOnBorrow false
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.testOnReturn false
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.maxIdleTimeSeconds 1800
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.idleSessionSweepSeconds 30
bowstreet.sapbw.session.pool.maxAgeMinutes 60

Parent topic: SAP BW Data Access builder

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