Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Radio Button Group builder
Use the Radio Button Group builder to create a set of radio buttons on a page.
Provide the builder with a list of choices from which the user can choose. You can specify the text to display to the user as different from the value that the builder returns by specifying an XML structure as the radio button group source data. Unlike the Radio Button builder, which makes use of existing HTML radio buttons, the Radio Button Group builder creates radio buttons from scratch. When you use this builder, do not put the radio buttons directly in your HTML code. Instead, create in the HTML code a container (typically a <div /> tag) to hold the list of choices for which you are creating the control. Give the name of the control to this container tag.
Note: You can put style information on the <div /> tag, such as a border-style setting, and it is saved for the <div /> tag that is to hold the set of radio buttons. When the page is rendered, the <div /> area is converted into a table that contains the radio buttons and text, according to the data you specify.
The Radio Button Group builder and the Select builder are almost identical in their inputs and their results. They each provide the user with a list of choices and return a single value. The value is stored in the Inputs/ node in the WebApp. You can access this value either by using the reference chooser in other builder call editors or by calling webAppAccess.getRequestInputs().getInputValue(TagName), where TagName is the named <span /> or <div /> tag on which the Radio Button Group builder call operates.
Quick Tips
- Radio button group and select builders behave similarly
- Think of a Radio Button Group builder the same way you think of a select control. A Radio Button Group builder accepts a list of choices and returns a single value (which is one of those choices). Although the two controls look very different to the user, they are quite similar.
- Use an HTML Event Action builder call to process radio button group changes
- You can configure your model to react to radio button group selections by using an HTML Event Action builder call to process the OnClick event for the radio button group on the page.
Parent topic: Builder help
- About using the builder call editor
The builder call editor allows you to specify all the input values to a builder call.
- Locating control builder calls on pages
Each page location technique results in the generation of a Page Location string that determines on what pages, and where on those pages, the control builder calls are added.
- Radio Button Group builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Radio Button Group builder.
- Using the Radio Button Group builder
You need to specify several settings to create a group of radio buttons.
- HTML Event Action builder
Use the HTML event action builder to associate a function with an HTML behavioral attribute.
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