Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory overview
WebSphere Portlet Factory enables you to rapidly deliver dynamic, highly customizable and adaptive portlets to IBM® WebSphere Portal and widgets to IBM Lotus® Mashups and to IBM InfoSphere MashupHub.
With WebSphere Portlet Factory, you can quickly and easily create, re-purpose or assimilate web applications and web services into portlets and widgets. These portlets and widgets can be customized by users, administrators and developers, all within a protected and controllable framework. In addition, business users can change the various aspects (exposed through WebSphere Portlet Factory profiles) of the portlet and widget functionality in real time, such as presentation or business process.
WebSphere Portlet Factory web applications can exist as stand alone web applications, portlets, widgets, and web services without creating any additional code or requiring the duplication or branching of the current code base. By eliminating the need to code all these implementations and their variations, there is a significant reduction to the development, deployment and change management process. All portlets developed with WebSphere Portlet Factory utilize the IBM Portlet Adapter to integrate with WebSphere Portal. All widgets developed with WebSphere Portlet Factory utilize the IBM Widget Adapter to integrate with Lotus Mashups.
This topic is part of a set of topics that describes how to administer the WebSphere Portlet Factory servlet and how to develop J2EE applications, web services, as well as widgets and IBM WebSphere portlets.
- Creating portlets
You use IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory's Designer to develop the portlet's functionality.
- Deploying portlets to the IBM WebSphere Portal
- Developing portlets with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory
During the course of development, you will use the WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer to create the portlet functionality and run WebSphere Portlet Factory's deployment scripts to create a WAR file that contains the portlets you created.
- IBM WebSphere Portlet adapter
Websphere Portlet Adapter functions as the integration point between the IBM WebSphere Portal and the IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory web application development platform.
- Providing configure and edit functionality
When the user views WebSphere Application Server portlets, they may have the option to configure or edit the portlet, which entails setting values for any configurable or editable properties of the portlet.
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