Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Implementing the SegmentList interface
You can create your own SegmentList implementation so that you can associate profiles with segments of your own type in the profile manager. IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory includes sample implementations of the following alternate segment types:
- File-based User/Profile Association
- Used with the File Segment List
- J2EERole
- Used with the J2EE Role Selection Handler
- LDAP Group
- Used with the LDAP Group Handler
All SegmentList implementations return an Iterator to a list of available segments. When you open the Advanced pull-down menu on the New Profile or Edit Profile dialog, it displays the list of available segments.
See the getSegments() methods in the source code for the FileSegmentSelectionHandler and the LDAPGroupHandler classes. You can find the Java source for these classes in the WEB-INF/work/selectionhandlers.zip file.
Parent topic: Creating profile selection handlers
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