Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Advanced – changing deployment configuration details

In some cases you might need to change the deployment configuration. You can change automatic refresh on two levels:

Globally for each configuration profile in IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Preferences

The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer Window > Preferences menu provides a WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer section where you can choose a configuration profile to edit. These settings are applied to any new projects created using the given profile, but existing projects retain their current settings.

At project level in WebSphere Portlet Factory project properties page

This property page contains deployment configuration settings for the application servers, portal servers, and Lotus® Mashups.

Changes you make here apply only to the project you are working with.

Note: Configuration settings you make at the project level override the configuration profile level.

Parent topic: WAR interactions during development

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