Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Directory structure for IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Web applications
The directory structure of WebSphere Portlet Factory is similar to that of any Web application.
The directory structure has a document root in which all its static HTML and other servable resources reside. Depending on the application server, the document root, also known as the servable content root directory, is similar to one of the following locations.
- Tomcat
- For portlets and widgets
- IBM® WebSphere Application Server
- For portlets and widgets
- IBM Lotus® Mashups
- For widgets only
c:\ProgramFiles\IBM Mashup Center\mm_server\installedApps\IBM-node_cell_number\ear_dir\war_dir
Web applications generated by IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory adhere to the architecture for all J2EE applications. HTML pages, images, and other servable resources reside somewhere below the servable content root directory that is set up by WebSphere Portlet Factory.
Java classes, profile sets, models, and other content that is not servable reside in the WebSphere Portlet Factory WEB-INF directory. The following table lists and describes the directories relevant to Web application development with WebSphere Portlet Factory.
Directory Description project Servable content root directory. All HTML pages, images, and other resources that are servable to the user are stored in this directory or in one of its subdirectories. factory All the servable resources pertaining to WebSphere Portlet Factory reside in this directory. HTML pages for the applications that comprise WebSphere Portlet Factory and images are all in this directory. genjsp All the JSPs from your models get stored in this directory according to the directory path and model name to which the page belongs. For example, com/acme/insurance_portal/UserRegistration_RegistrationPage.jsp. WEB-INF Nonservable content root, containing all the Java classes, profile sets, and other nonservable resources for WebSphere Portlet Factory itself and all Web applications that you create. WEB-INF/builders Builder definition files used in WebSphere Portlet Factory. WEB-INF/classes Part of WebSphere Portlet Factory classpath. Contains the deployable Java classes used by your Web applications. WEB-INF/clientLibs Part of WebSphere Portlet Factory classpath. Stores the deployable JAR files used by your Web applications. WEB-INF/config Contains the property files used by WebSphere Portlet Factory. WEB-INF/factory/generated Contains the genjava directory that contains all the Java classes that the Automation Engine generates for the methods in your models. WEB-INF/factory/themes Contains the default and sample theme files for use by your Web applications. WEB-INF/lib Part of the WebSphere Portlet Factory classpath. Contains all the JAR files used by WebSphere Portlet Factory. WEB-INF/logs Contains files that record activity under WebSphere Portlet Factory. WEB-INF/models Contains all the models installed as part of WebSphere Portlet Factory and the models that you create. WEB-INF/temp IBM Rational Development Environment compiles Java source files to this directory and uses Ant to copy them to the WEB-INF/work/classes directory. WEB-INF/work Contains sample Java source files and classes. WEB-INF/work/classes Part of WebSphere Portlet Factory classpath. All classes in this directory get dynamically loaded by WebSphere Portlet Factory. WEB-INF/work/source Contains sample code and serves as a convenient place to store Java source files for your Web applications.
Parent topic: IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer components
- IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer components
Multiple components comprise the WebSphere Portlet Factory development environment.
- About data referencing techniques
Builder call editors support the most commonly used reference methods and syntax.
- Generated file names and limitations
Some application servers have a limit on the length of a path name.
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