Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Working with data definitions

Data definitions can be read from an XML file or specified directly in the Rich Data Definition builder.

Use this builder if you want to clean up a portlet or a widget by hiding columns that do not need to be displayed. This is a powerful builder that you can in most, if not all, of your models. This builder lets you select a schema in your model. For each field in the selected schema, you can specify labels, control types, lookup tables, formatting, validation, and much more – just by using a single instance of this builder.

The Rich Data Definition builder has a button that creates a data definition file for you, based on the schema and including any changes you made to the schema in the builder user interface (UI).

This builder modifies the data definition information that can be associated with a schema in a WebApp. Data definition is one of the internal data structures of the Data Page builder. When Data Page is used with a schema-typed variable, it looks for any data definition information attached to the schema in the WebApp. Those data definition properties become the defaults for any pages based on the schema. However, you can still use other builders such as Data Field Modifier to override the properties specified in the data definition of the schema.

The association of data definitions to schema elements is done using the element name. A data definition file typically stores a set of structures, with a child data definition for each field in the structure. The parent (structure) name in the schema must match the parent name in the data definition file, and then the individual fields are also matched by name.

Parent topic: Rich Data Definition builder

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