Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


About creating hierarchical profiles

There are many ways to implement the customization of a web application. An application can use any number of profiles to implement different web applications for different users. One way to construct your profile sets is to use a hierarchical structure of profiles that you can repeat for each type of user. This approach allows you to develop a profile set that more closely resembles the variable elements of your application. For example, if your application can be customized for a given organization and the Engineering and HR groups within that organization, it would make sense to have a profile set structure that contained a profile for all the members in the organization and a profile for the Engineering group and a profile for the HR group in the organization.

As you need to add support for different customers, you can create a new profile for customer-wide values and two more profiles named "Engineering" and "HR."

To avoid conflicts between the HR profile values for Cisco and the HR profile values for Sears, the inheritance structure determines the actual name of the profile. IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory uses these fully-qualified profile names everywhere profile names are used.

As a result, the profiles listed in the image above actually have the following names:

  • Cisco

  • Cisco.Engineering

  • Cisco.HR

  • IBM

  • IBM.Engineering

  • IBM.HR

  • Sears

  • Sears.Engineering

  • Sears.HR

Parent topic: About profile creation

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