Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Cooperative portlet WAR deployment
Remember to rebuild (and redeploy) the portlet WAR after adding the Cooperative Portlet builders to your model. You can not add Cooperative Portlet builders to your portlet models, save them, and then run portlets that exhibit the new functionality. This is because cooperative portlets describe target and source information using a WSDL definition file. The WSDL files must be added to the portlet WAR file prior to deployment. Rebuilding the portlet WAR will add the WSDL definitions and associated resource text files to it.
Note: If you have previously built and deployed the portlet WAR without cooperative portlets functionality, the portlet WAR must be removed and re-deployed for cooperative portlets features to function properly. You must also re-deploy the war if you make any changes that cause the generate WSDL file to change, or if you make a change to any related resource strings (that is, caption text).
Note: When using cooperative portlets with the Property Broker actions (JSR-168), use the IBM® WebSphere® Portal Portlet Wiring Tool to connect the source and target portlets after deploying the WAR and placing your cooperative portlets on a portal page.
Parent topic: Deploying a WAR that contains Cooperative Portlets
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