Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Using a different HTML page for the Configure and Edit modes

You may wish to change the display of the default Edit or Configure page, for example, by adding logos and additional content. You can do this by creating an HTML page that contains the new content and adding the following HTML to the page at an appropriate location:

<FORM> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left"> 
<tr name="repeat"> 
<td><span name="entry_prompt" ></span></td> 
<td><span name="entry_value"></span></td> 
<td colspan="2"><input name="submitbutton" ></td> 

The display elements (cellpadding, border, and so on) can be altered but the name of the elements (repeat, entry_prompt, entry_value, submitbutton) cannot. Also note that the HTML is contained within FORM elements.

Save your the HTML page you want to use for the Configure or Edit page in a directory in, or below, the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory's servable root directory. In the Portlet Adapter builder call in your portlet model, specify the path to this HTML page as the value for the Portlet Edit Page to Import or the Portlet Configure Page to Import inputs.

Parent topic: Overriding the default Configure and Edit display

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