Suppressing migration of composite applications
To suppress the migration of composite applications during core portal migration, append the parameter -DSkipAiMigration when you run the portal-pre-upgrade and the portal-post-upgrade tasks.
To suppress the migration of composite applications during core portal migration, follow these steps:
To suppress the back up and export of composite application artifacts and data of the source portal environment, run the portal-pre-upgrade and use the parameter -DSkipAiMigration.
./ portal-pre-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DcurrentPortalDirectory=dirname -DcurrentPortalAdminId=adminid -DcurrentPortalAdminPwd=adminpassword -DDbPassword=dbpassword -DGroupExport=true -DSkipAiMigrationTo suppress the importing of composite application artifacts and data into the target portal environment, run the portal-post-upgrade and use the parameter -DSkipAiMigration.
Some parameters might be optional for your portal environment:
./ portal-post-upgrade -DbackupDirectory=dirname -DPortalAdminId=adminid -DPortalAdminPwd=adminpassword -Dmigration.vmm.database.admin.password=vmmdminpassword -Dmigration.wmm.database.admin.password=wmmadminpassword -DoldProfile=oldserverprofile -DprofileName=newserverprofile -DSkipAiMigration
Parent topic
Migrating composite applicationsNext topic:
Preparing to migrate composite applications