Live text for click-to-action



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IBM WebSphere Portal supports a live text API for end user controlled data transfer between components. With live text, a component on a page, for example a portlet or navigation element, can declare sources and targets for data transfer.

When the user clicks on a source element, the portal displays a context menu listing targets that match the selected source. When a menu item is selected, the portal invokes the corresponding target passing it the source data. This process is called Click-to-Action (C2A).

Both sources and targets are specified by HTML markup that apply live text elements. The markup attributes mark the HTML fragment as a click-to-action tag.

All components that contribute HTML markup to a page can contain live text sources and targets, including...

Portlets can register their portlet action or render URLs as server-side targets, but you can also define targets within one portal page that point to another page or even to a CGI handler outside the portal.

Click-to-action treats all source data as unstructured text. You can encode any information in the source value, but the target handler is responsible for decoding the received data appropriately.

If a portlet provides the following server side communication targets, they will automatically be made available for click-to-action on all pages that contain the portlet:

Portlets that use these declarations do not need to generate semantic tagging markup for click-to-action targets.

Administrators can turn off the automatic generation of click-to-action targets by specifying a portlet preference... = false




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Web 2.0 user interface features