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Portal, V6.1


Enable session handling

The default Web content session handling works by initiating a new Web content session for each remote rendering portlet instance that is on a page. This can cause performance issues if many users access a page containing a large number of remote rendering portlets.

The following procedures enables a service that is used to keep track of valid sessions. The service will help ensure that only a single session will be active between the instance of IBM WebSphere Portal and WCM for each user. The service will manage access to the pool of active sessions and queue the requests for
sessions that are in the process of being established, but not stop requests for established sessions to other servers or with different credentials.


Enabling WCM session handling

  1. Copy the ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war file to the WP_PROFILE directory and remove the service jar from the ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war.The ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war file contains a jar (ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet-service.jar). This must be removed if the service is to be used. The jar is added to the
    class loader instead. It is important it does not appear in both places if the service is to be used.

    1. Locate the ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war file. By default, this file is in portal_server_root/installableApps.

    2. Copy this file to...


      This must now be the only version of the ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war file to be used and installed.

    3. Open ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war with an appropriate file archive program.

    4. Extract ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet-service.jar to...


    5. Delete ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet-service.jar from the ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet.war using the archive program and save the WAR file.

  2. Create a new shared library

    1. Log in to the console for WAS.

    2. Go to Environment/Shared Libraries .

    3. Create a new shared library called WCM RemoteLib.

    4. Enter the path to the ilwwcm-remoterenderingportlet-service.jar file as the classpath.

  3. Add the library to the portal server

    1. Open the WebSphere Administration console.

    2. Select Servers.

    3. Select Application Servers.

    4. Select WebSphere Portal.

    5. Under Server Infrastructure select Java and Process Management.

    6. Select class loader.

    7. Select the class loader. from the list.

    8. Select libraries.

    9. Select WCM Remotelib from the list.

    10. Click Apply.

    11. Click OK.

    12. Save these settings.

  4. Edit the Services.Properties file

    1. Open the services.properties file.


    2. Ensure the following WCM session service line is included:

      # WCM session service com.ibm.workplace.wcm.service.contentServer.AbstractWCM SessionService = com.ibm.workplace.wcm.service.contentServer.WCM SessionService

  5. Restart WebSphere Portal.

  6. Review the WP_PROFILE/logs/WebSphere_Portal/SystemOut.log file to ensure the new service is running.

  7. Update the remote rendering portlet:

    1. Open the WebSphere Portal Administration console.

    2. Select Portlet Management.

    3. Select Web Modules.

    4. Search for ilwwcm-remoterendering-portlet.war.

    5. Click Update Web Module .

    6. Click Browse and select WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/installableApps/ilwwcm-remoterendering-portlet.war.

    7. Click Open.

    8. Click Next.

    9. Click Finish.


How WCM session handling works

When a request is made for a session with WCM for a defined credential vault slot and URL, the WCM SessionService checks to see if this session already exists. If so, this session will be used. If not, a new session will be created.


Parent topic

Configure the local rendering portlet


Parent topic

Configure the remote rendering portlet