Define other remote portlet settings
Further setting are defined in the Settings section.
- Enter the host details in WCM Server Host:
http://[HOST]:[PORT]- To enable the remote rendering portlet to switch from "http" to "https" when delivering secured content, enter the SSL url in the Web Content Management Server Host SSL field.
- Enter the Context path of the WCM application in WCM Context Path.
Default: /wps/wcm
- Enter the path of the WCM servlet in Web Content Management Servlet Path.
Default: /connect
- Enter the secured path of the WCM servlet in Web Content Management Authenticated Servlet Path.
Default: /myconnect
- Select Fully qualify URLs generated by WCM Server to ensure that URLs generated by WCM are fully qualified.
Default: Enabled
- Enter a title for the rendering portlet.
Default: Title entered in the portlet's configuration mode is used.
Parent topic
Configuring the remote rendering portlet
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