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Portal, V6.1


Create an e-mail action

An e-mail action sends an e-mail to a set of users or groups.

E-mail settings

To be able to send a user an e-mail notification during a workflow:

  1. Click New>Workflow Actions>Email action.

  2. Enter identification information.

  3. Select the types of users to send e-mails to. You can select:

    • users who have been assigned approver access in the workflow stage the e-mail action is executed on

    • the authors and owners of the workflowed item

    • the authors and owners of items that reference the workflowed item

  4. Click Select Other Recipients to select additional e-mail recipients.

    1. To add users or groups, click Add.

      • Select either Users or Groups.

      • Enter text to search for in the Search field and then click Search. (Leave the Search field blank to display all users or groups.)

      • Select the required users or groups and then click OK.

    2. To remove users or groups, select the users or groups you would like to remove and then click Remove.

  5. Enter text to include in the e-mail in addition to the automatically generated message.

    The language of the automatically generated message is determined by the language set in the WAS administration console. To change the language, go to Resources>Resource environment>Resource environment providers > WP LocalizerService > Custom properties and change the locale.default.language to the desired language code.

  6. Set access properties.

  7. Click Save and close.


Parent topic

Creating workflow items


Related tasks

Entering identification information
Granting users or groups access to an item