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Portal, V6.1


Create Task Processing portlets

Use IBM WebSphere Integration Developer or IBM Rational Application Developer to create the Task Processing portlets required for portal-based business process applications. Use the TaskUI Manager API, the Property Broker API, and the Task API and the code samples illustrated here to create the Task Processing portlet. Before you begin this procedure, read Preparing to develop business process applications. You should have experience using the standard portlet API. In addition to the Task UI Manager API and the Property Broker API, you should also be familiar with the Task API of the Human Task Manager Service of IBM WebSphere Process Server.

If you are using a stand-alone installation of Rational Application Developer, you import the WSDL and XSD files generated by WebSphere Integration Developer when the process designer developed the business process application. Then use the Task API to create the Task Processing portlet.

Refer to the Java™doc for the Task UI Manager API and the Property Broker API, in portal_server_root/doc/Javadoc/api_docs. Refer to the Javadoc for the Task API, located in the IBM WebSphere Process Server Information Center, Reference section.

  1. Retrieve properties from the Task List portlet
    Specify how the Task Processing portlet retrieves task and task page properties from the Task List. Refer to the code samples for developing a standard portlet.

  2. Process the input and output messages of the task
    Specify how the Task Processing portlet handles task input and output messages and task completion. Refer to the code samples for developing a standard portlet.

  3. Close the task page
    The Task Processing portlet retrieves the TaskUIManager portlet service to close the task page and return the user to the task list page. Refer to the code samples for developing a standard portlet.

  4. Import required class libraries
    Import the necessary WSDL and XSD files from the business process application in the WebSphere Integration Developer environment into the portlet project in the Rational Application Developer or other environment. Ensure that the development machine has the Java archive files that allow the Task Processing portlet to compile successfully.


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Developing custom user interfaces for process integration


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Enabling business processes for the portal

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Initiating a process instance