Access the Producer WSDL



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As a Producer provide the URL for the Producer WSDL document to the Consumer. The basic WSDL document is available under the following URL:


This URL refers to a WSDL file with both the WSRP 1.0 and WSRP 2.0 SOAP ports. When a Consumer portal administrator configures the Consumer portal to interact with the Producer, the Consumer administrator needs to specify this URL. You can configure various settings in the Producer WSDL file by specifying the appropriate parameters:

To generate the service WSDL file in the Producer portal, the portal WSRP implementation uses the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. URL parameters
  2. Settings in the portal Config Service
  3. Values from the incoming request.

This means that the portal provides a fallback mechanism for the parameters in the Producer WSDL file, depending on which parameters you specify:

  1. If you add parameters as URL parameters to the service WSDL URL, then the Producer portal uses these parameters for the SOAP URLs of the WSDL file.

  2. If you do not define a parameter as URL parameter, then the Producer looks for entries in the portal Config Service.

  3. If you did not specify the parameter in the Config Service, then the Producer uses the hostname and port of the incoming request to generate the SOAP URLs in the WSDL file.


URL parameters

You can add the following URL parameters to the URL of the basic WSDL document in order to change the SOAP port URLs in the Producer WSDL file. Here is an example of a URL with all possible parameters:


The following table lists possible values for URL parameters:

URL parameter Possible values Results in WSDL file
protocol http WSRP SOAP port URLs with HTTP protocol
https WSRP SOAP port URLs with HTTPs protocol
mixed WSRP SOAP port URLs with HTTP and with HTTPs protocol
version v1 WSRP SOAP ports for WSRP V1.0
v2 WSRP SOAP ports for WSRP V2.0
mixed WSRP SOAP ports for WSRP V1.0 and V2.0
port Integer, for example 80 Port number for HTTP SOAP port URLs
portSecure Integer, for example 443 Port number for HTTPs SOAP port URLs
hostname Name of the host, for example localhost Hostname used for SOAP port URLs

The URL parameters do not modify the Producer settings and bindings, they only manipulate the WSDL output for debugging and tracing purposes


Settings in the portal Config Service

To control the default output for the WSDL document, set the following parameters in the portal configuration service:

wsrp.hostname = localhost

Specify a hostname for the SOAP URLs in the WSRP service WSDL file of the Producer.

wsrp.port.http = 80

Specify the HTTP port that is used for the SOAP URLs in the WSRP service WSDL file of the Producer.

wsrp.port.https = 443

Specify the HTTPS port that is used for the SOAP URLs in the WSRP service WSDL file of the producer.


Parent topic

Use your portal as a WSRP Producer

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Preparing security for a WSRP Producer portal