
    verify -- Verify that the server archives are intact

    p4 verify [ -q -u -v ] file[revRange] ...

	'p4 verify' reports for each revision of the named files the
	revision specific information and an MD5 digest (fingerprint)
	of the revision's contents.  See 'p4 help revisions' for help
	specifying revisions.

	By default, 'p4 verify' computes and displays the digest of each
	revision.  If a revision cannot be reproduced (e.g. if the file
	is missing from the archive), the revision's output line ends with
	MISSING!  If there is a saved digest, 'p4 verify' compares it with
	the computed one.  If they differ the output line ends with BAD!

	The -u flag causes 'p4 verify' to compute and save the digest
	for each revision that has no saved digest.  Revisions already
	with saved digests are skipped.

	The -v flag forces 'p4 verify' to compute and save the digest
	for each revision, even if it already has a saved digest.  This
	can be used to update the saved digest if the archive was changed

	The -q flag instructs 'p4 verify' to operate quietly.  The only
	output would be errors from mismatched digests or errors due to
	unreproducible revisions.

	The following commands will compute digests for revisions without
	saved digests and then verify the first and head revisions of all
	files.  Verifying revision #1 is useful for text files because
	of their reverse delta storage format: corruption of any revision
	will be reflected in revision #1.

		p4 verify -qu //...
		p4 verify -q #1,#1
		p4 verify -q #head,#head

	Saved digests are also used by p4 diff to avoid having to
	compute them each time.

	'p4 verify' requires superuser access granted by p4 protect