
    triggers -- Modify list of pre-submit triggers

    p4 triggers
    p4 triggers -o
    p4 triggers -i

	'p4 triggers' edits the table of pre-submit triggers.

	Triggers are user-defined commands that are run on the server
	during changelist submission to validate the changelist.  The
	commands are run on the server after the changelist is created
	and the files are locked but before any files are transferred.
	Thus triggers cannot validate the contents of files being submitted.

	The trigger form has a single entry 'Triggers', followed by any
	number of trigger lines.  Triggers are executed in the order listed
	and if a trigger fails subsequent triggers are not run.  A trigger
	succeeds if the command executed exits 0 and fails otherwise.
	If it fails, the command's standard output (not error output)
	is used as the text of the trigger failure error message.

	Each trigger line contains a trigger name, a depot file path
	pattern, and a command to run:

	Name:       The name of the trigger.  A run of the same trigger
		    name on contiguous lines is treated as a single trigger,
		    so that multiple paths may be specified.  Only the
		    command of the first such trigger line is used.

	Path:       Files which will cause the trigger to be run.  This 
		    is a file pattern and may be an exclusion mapping (-pattern)
		    to exclude files.

	Command:    The command to run to validate the changelist.  If the
		    command contains spaces, the whole command must be
		    quoted.  The following variables are expanded in the
		    command string:

			%change% -- the changelist being submitted
			%client% -- the client submitting the changelist
			%clienthost% -- the hostname of the client
			%clientip% -- the IP address of the client
			%serverhost% -- the hostname of the server
			%serverip% -- the IP address of the server
			%serverport% -- the IP address:port of the server
			%serverroot% -- the value of the server's $P4ROOT
			%user% -- the user submitting the changelist

		    More information can be gathered about the changelist
		    being submitted by running p4 describe %changelist%

	The -o flag causes the trigger table to be written
	to the standard output.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -i flag causes the trigger table to be read from the
	standard input.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	'p4 triggers' requires superuser access granted by p4 protect


Triggers: reject0 //....out "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .out" reject1 //....OUT "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .OUT" reject2 //....tmp "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .tmp" reject3 //....TMP "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .TMP" reject4 //....log "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .log" reject5 //....LOG "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .LOG" reject6 //....tws "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .tws" reject7 //....twr "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .twr" reject8 //....dfPackage "sh /usr/local/admin/scripts/ %change% .dfPackage"