
    fstat -- Dump file info

    p4 fstat [ -c changelist# ] [ -C -l -H -P -s -W ] file[rev] ...

	Fstat is intended for programmatic interfaces into Perforce.  It
	dumps information about each file, with each item of information on
	a separate line.  Fstat is best used within a Perforce API application
	where the items can be accessed as variables, but its output is also
	suitable for parsing from the client command output.

	The fields that fstat displays are:

		clientFile      -- local path
		depotFile       -- name in depot
		headAction      -- action at head rev, if in depot
		headChange      -- head rev changelist#, if in depot
		headRev         -- head rev #, if in depot
		headType        -- head rev type, if in depot
		headTime        -- head rev mod time, if in depot
		haveRev         -- rev had on client, if on client
		action          -- open action, if opened
		change          -- open changelist#, if opened
		unresolved      -- unresolved integration records
		otherOpen       -- set if someone else has it open
		otherLock       -- set if someone else has it locked
		ourLock         -- set if this user/client has it locked

	The -c changelist# flag instructs fstat to display only files
	affected since the given changelist number.  This operation is
	much faster than using a revision range on the affected files.

	The -C, -H, and -W flags limits the output to files that are
	mapped, synced, and opened (respectively) on the current client.

	The -P flag outputs the clientFile in Perforce syntax (//client/).
	Normally, clientFile is in local host syntax.

	The -l includes a fileSize field (which may be expensive to compute).

	The -s flag shortens the output by excluding client related data
	about the file.