
    client -- Create or edit a client specification and its view

    p4 client [ -f -t template ] [ name ]
    p4 client -d [ -f ] name
    p4 client -o [ -t template ] [ name ]
    p4 client -i [ -f ]

	With no argument 'p4 client' creates a new client view specification 
        or edits an existing client specification. The client name is taken
	from the environment variable $P4CLIENT if set, or else from
	the current host name.  The specification form is put into a
	temporary file and the editor (given by the environment variable
	$P4EDITOR) is invoked.  If a name is given, the specification of
	the named client is displayed read-only.

	The specification form contains the following fields:

	Client:      The client name (read only.)

	Host:        If set, restricts access to the named host.
		     If unset, access is allowed from any host.

	Owner:       The user who created this client.  Can be changed.

	Update:      The date this specification was last modified.

	Access:      The date this client was last used in any way.

	Description: A short description of the client (optional).

	Root:        The root directory of the client file workspace
		     (given in local file system syntax), under which all
		     client files will be placed.  If you change this, you
		     must physically relocate any files as well.
		     The special name "null" may be used to allow files
		     to be mapped to multiple drives on Windows clients.

	Options:     Flags to change the client behavior.   The defaults
		     are marked with *.

		allwrite	Leaves all files writable on the client;
		noallwrite *	else only checked out files are writable.

		clobber		Allows p4 sync to overwrite writable
		noclobber *	files on the client.

		compress 	Compresses data sent between the client
		nocompress *	and server to speed up slow connections.

		locked   	Allows only the client owner to use the
		unlocked *	client or change its specification.
				Prevents the client from being deleted.

		modtime  	Causes p4 sync to preserve file
		nomodtime *	modification time from submitting client,
				as with files with +m type modifier.
				Otherwise modification time is left as
				when the file was fetched.

		rmdir		Makes p4 sync attempt to delete a client
		normdir *	directory when all files are removed.

	LineEnd:    Set line ending character(s) for client text files.

		local		Use mode native to the client (default).
		unix		linefeed: UNIX style.
		mac		carriage return: Macintosh style.
		win		carriage return-linefeed: Windows style.
		share		hybrid: writes UNIX style but reads UNIX or
					Windows style.

	View:        A mapping from the files in the depot to files in the
		     client workspace.  This is the mechanism by which you
		     select what files you want on your client and where you
		     want them to be.  The default view maps all depot files
		     onto the client.  See p4 help views for view syntax.
		     A new view takes effect on the next p4 sync

	Note: changing the client root does not actually move the client
	files;  relocate them yourself.  Similarly, changing
	the 'LineEnd' option does not actually update the client files;
	you can refresh them with p4 sync -f

	The -d flag causes the named client to be deleted, as long as it
	has no opened files.  The -f forces the delete

	The -o flag causes the named client specification to be written
	to the standard output.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -i flag causes a client specification to be read from the
	standard input.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -t flag constructs the client's view by copying the named
	template client's view, instead of using the existing view or
	creating a new default view.

	The -f flag allows the superuser to modify locked clients; normally
	locked clients can only be modified by their owner.  -f also allows
	the last modified date to be set.