
    branch -- Create or edit a branch specification and its view

    p4 branch [ -f ] name
    p4 branch -d [ -f ] name
    p4 branch -o name
    p4 branch -i [ -f ]

	Create a new branch specification or edit an existing branch
	specification. The specification form is put into a temporary
	file and the editor (given by the environment variable $P4EDITOR)
	is invoked.

	The branch specification form contains the following fields:

	Branch:      The branch name (read only.)

	Owner:       The user who created this branch.  Can be changed.

	Update:      The date specification was last modified.

	Access:      The date of the last 'integrate' using this branch.

	Description: A short description of the branch (optional).

	Options:     Flags to change the branch behavior.

		locked   	Allows only the branch owner to change its
				specification.  Prevents the branch from
				being deleted.

	View:        A mapping from the source files of the branch to the
		     target files of the branch.  Both the left and right
		     hand sides of the mappings refer to the depot namespace.
		     See p4 help views for more on views.

	New branches are created with a default view that maps all depot
	files back into themselves.  This view must be changed before the
	branch view is usable.

	A branch definition is used only by the p4 integrate command.

	The -d flag deletes the named branch.

	The -o flag causes the named branch specification to be written
	to the standard output.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -i flag causes a branch specification to be read from the
	standard input.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -f flag allows the superuser to delete any branch; normally
	branches can only be deleted by their owner.  -f also allows the
	last modified date to be set.