

 rem ======================================================================
 rem Name:  sqlplussettings.sql
 rem Desc:  Set the default SQL*Plus settings.
 rem ======================================================================
 rem General display behavior:
 set pages 23
 set lines 79
 set pause on
 set pause Return...
 set echo off
 set termout on
 set feed 1
 rem Default settings for specific columns which are used often in
 rem queries against the data dictionary:
 col username form a8
 col tablespace_name form a10
 col initial_extent form 99,999,999 head 'INITIAL|EXTENT'
 col next_extent form 99,999,999 head 'NEXT|EXTENT'
 col min_extents form 999 head 'MIN|EXTS'
 col max_extents form 999 head 'MAX|EXTS'
 col pct_increase form 999 head 'PCT|INCR'
 col owner form a8
 col table_owner form a8 head 'TABLE|OWNER'
 col index_owner form a8 head 'INDEX|OWNER'
 col view_owner form a8 head 'VIEW|OWNER'
 col synonym_name form a8 head 'SYNONYM|OWNER'
 col table_name form a15
 col index_name form a15
 col view_name form a15
 col synonym_name form a15
 col cluster_name form a7
 col pct_free form 999 head 'PCT|FREE'
 col pct_used form 999 head 'PCT|USED'
 col text form a45 wor