PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 16 9 9788 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 17 12 9790 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 18 13 9794 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 45 40 9864 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 43 38 9860 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 42 37 9858 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 63 58 9900 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 65 60 9906 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 64 59 9902 CBO_JMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 12 ### 10489 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 13 8 9778 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 14 10 9780 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 15 11 9784 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 19 14 9796 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 21 ### 10509 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 54 49 9882 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 53 48 9880 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 52 47 9878 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 50 45 9874 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 48 43 9870 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 47 42 9868 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 39 34 9846 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 36 31 9836 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 32 27 9826 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 84 84 9978 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 83 79 9962 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 82 80 9960 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 80 74 9940 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 79 77 9938 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 78 73 9936 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 77 71 12443 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE SELECT VALUE FROM NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS WHERE PARAMETER =' NLS_DATE_FORMAT' PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 76 70 9932 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 75 72 12348 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE SELECT VALUE FROM NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS WHERE PARAMETER =' NLS_DATE_FORMAT' 74 98 10020 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 73 68 9922 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 72 67 9920 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 71 66 9918 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 69 20 12393 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 62 57 9898 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 61 56 9896 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 60 55 9894 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from dual 94 91 9998 CBO_WEB oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; 31 53 13422 DEMO oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE DELETE FROM JMSState WHERE recordHandle = :1 AND recordGener ation = :2 OR recordHandle = :3 AND recordGeneration = :4 OR recordHandle = :5 AND recordGeneration = :6 OR recordHandle = :7 AND recordGeneration = :8 OR recordHandle = :9 AND rec ordGeneration = :10 OR recordHandle = :11 AND recordGenerati PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 30 54 13420 DEMO oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE begin :1 := JAVA_XA.xa_commit_new (:2,:3,:4,:5); end; ### 50 14506 DSIMS oracle UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE select count(*) from ACME.memo_line_act where OUTBOUND_EN VELOPE_ID = '15' and UPDATE_TS > to_date ('12/03/02', 'mm/dd" /yy') ### ### 12377 JSMITH jsmith UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE 22 81 14511 ACME map pts/1 oracle@a ACTIVE select b.sid, c.username, c.osuser, c.terminal, decode(b .id2, 0, a.object_name, 'Trans-'||to_char(b.id1)) object_nam e, b.type, decode(b.lmode, 0, '--Waiting--', 1, 'Null' , 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row Excl', 4, 'Share', 5, 'Sha Row Exc', 6, 'Exclusive', 'Other') "Lock Mode", dec PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 93 ### 14513 ACME jsmith UNKNO oracle@a INACTIVE ### 32 14527 ACME map pts/1 oracle@a ACTIVE SELECT pid, S.sid sid, P.spid spid, S.username us ername , S.osuser osname, substr(P.terminal,1,5) terminal, substr(P.program,1,8) program, P.background, S.status, RTRIM(SUBSTR(a.sql_text, 1, 300)) SQL FROM v$process P, v $session S, v$sqlarea A WHERE P.addr = s.paddr AND 2 1 9738 oracle UNKNO oracle@a 1 ACTIVE select o.owner#,,o.namespace,o.remoteowner,o.linkname, o.subname,o.dataobj#,o.flags from obj$ o where o.obj#=:1 PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 2 9740 oracle UNKNO oracle@a 1 ACTIVE 4 3 9742 oracle UNKNO oracle@a 1 ACTIVE 5 4 9744 oracle UNKNO oracle@a 1 ACTIVE 6 5 9748 oracle UNKNO oracle@a 1 ACTIVE insert into sys.col_usage$ values ( :objn, :coln, decode (bitand(:flag,1),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag,8),0,0, 1), decode(bitand(:flag,16),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag, 32),0,0,1), :time) 7 6 9750 oracle UNKNO oracle@a 1 ACTIVE select local_tran_id, global_tran_fmt, global_oracle_id, glo bal_foreign_id, state, status, heuristic_dflt, PID SID SPID ORA User OS User TERMI PROGRAM B STATUS SQL --- --- ------------ --------- --------- ----- -------- - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ session_vector, reco_vector, 3600*24*(sysdate-reco_time), 3600*24*(sysdate-nvl(heuristic_time,fail_time)), globa l_commit#, type# from pending_trans$ where session_vector