
/** This Script shows the dependency tree for a given object.       **/
/** For tables, it shows the FKs (Foreign Keys that reference       **/
/** the table.                                                      **/
/** NOTE: the user must have grant select on:                       **/
/** sys.cdef$, sys.obj$, sys.con$, sys.dependecy$                   **/
/** It may be necessary to reduce ARRAYSIZE or increase MAXDATA     **/

column a heading "Object|Name"      justify center format a35
column b heading "Constraint|Name" justify center format a35

select lpad(' ',(a.nivel-1)*2)|| a,
       lpad(' ',(a.nivel-1)*2)|| b
from   sys.obj$ obj,
       sys.con$ cons,
        select obj# obj#,
               level nivel
        from sys.cdef$
        where rcon# is not null AND
              robj# is not null
        connect by robj# = prior obj# and
                   robj# != obj#      and
                   prior robj# != prior obj#
        start with robj# = (select obj#
                             from   sys.obj$
                             where  name = 'INVOICE' AND
                                    type = 2                  AND
                                    owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) a
where   cons.con# = a.con# AND
        obj.obj#  = a.obj# AND
        obj.type  = 2
select lpad(' ',(a.nivel-1)*2)|| a,
from   sys.obj$ obj,
        select d_obj# obj#,
               level nivel
        from sys.dependency$
        connect by p_obj# = prior d_obj# 
        start with p_obj# = (select obj#
                             from   sys.obj$
                             where  name = 'INVOICE' AND
                                    owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) a
where  obj.obj#  = a.obj#  AND
       obj.type != 2