
rem ******************************************************************
rem          DBA REPORTS  
rem ******************************************************************
REM     Program:        tabdesc.SQL
REM     Author:         G. Godart-Brown
REM     Date:           05-aug-92
REM     Funtion:        Describes all the features of a table
rem ******************************************************************
rem                     CHANGE HISTORY
rem DATE        WHO     Reason for Change 
rem 05-aug-92   GGB     New Prog
REM ******************************************************************
REM *                                                                *
REM *  Copyright C 1992 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd.,                  *
REM *                   Bracknell, England.                          *
REM *  All rights reserved                                           *  
REM *                                                                *
REM *  This  material has  been provided  pursuant to  an agreement  *
REM *  containing  restrictions  on its use.  The  material is also  *
REM *  protected  by  copyright law.  No part  of this material may  *
REM *  be copied   or distributed,  transmitted  or transcribed, in  *
REM *  any form or  by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,  *
REM *  manual, or  otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without  *
REM *  the express written permission of Oracle Corporation UK Ltd,  *
REM *  The Oracle Centre, The Ring, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1BW   *
REM *                                                                *
REM ******************************************************************
prompt Report of a table
accept table_name prompt "Enter the name of the Table :"
set heading on
set verify on
set newpage 0
ttitle 'Table Description - Space Definition'
spool tabdesc.lst
start time1
set heading on
set verify off
column ts format a30
column ta format a30
column clu format a30
column pcf format 99999999999990
column pcu format 99999999999990
column int format 99,999,999,990
column mat format 99,999,999,990
column inx format 99,999,999,990
column nxt format 99,999,999,990
column mix format 99,999,999,990
column max format 99,999,999,990
column pci format 99999999999990
column num format 99,999,999,990
column blo format 99,999,999,990
column emp format 99,999,999,990
column avg format 99,999,999,990
column cha format 99,999,999,990
column rln format 99,999,999,990
column hdg format a30 newline
set heading off
select  'Table Name' hdg,               TABLE_NAME              ta,
        'Tablespace Name' hdg,          TABLESPACE_NAME         ts,
        'Cluster Name' hdg,             CLUSTER_NAME            clu,
        '% Free' hdg,                   PCT_FREE                pcf,
        '% Used' hdg,                   PCT_USED                pcu,
        'Ini Trans' hdg,                INI_TRANS               int,
        'Max Trans' hdg,                MAX_TRANS               mat,
        'Initial Extent (K)' hdg,       INITIAL_EXTENT/1024     inx,
        'Next Extent (K)' hdg,          NEXT_EXTENT/1024        nxt,
        'Min Extents' hdg,              MIN_EXTENTS             mix,
        'Max Extents' hdg,              MAX_EXTENTS             max,
        '% Increase' hdg,               PCT_INCREASE            pci,
        'Number of Rows' hdg,           NUM_ROWS                num,
        'Number of Blocks' hdg,         BLOCKS                  blo,
        'Number of Empty Blocks' hdg,   EMPTY_BLOCKS            emp,
        'Average Space' hdg,            AVG_SPACE               avg,
        'Chain Count' hdg,              CHAIN_CNT               cha,
        'Average Row Length' hdg,       AVG_ROW_LEN             rln
from user_tables
where TABLE_NAME=UPPER('&&table_name')
set heading on
set embedded off
column cn format a30 heading 'Column Name'
column fo format a15 heading 'Type'
column nu format a8 heading 'Null'
column nds format 99,999,999 heading 'No Distinct'
column dfl format 9999 heading 'Dflt Len'
column dfv format a40 heading 'Default Value'
ttitle 'Table Description - Column Definition'
select  COLUMN_NAME cn,
        DATA_TYPE ||
                'Error') fo,
        decode(NULLABLE,'Y','','NOT NULL') nu,
        NUM_DISTINCT nds,
        DEFAULT_LENGTH dfl,
        DATA_DEFAULT dfv
FROM user_tab_columns
where TABLE_NAME=UPPER('&&table_name')
order by COLUMN_ID
ttitle 'Table Constraints'
set heading on
set verify on
column cn format a30 heading 'Primary Key'
column cln format a45 heading 'Table.Column Name'
column ct format a7 heading 'Type'
column st format a7 heading 'Status'
column ro format a30 heading 'Ref Owner|Constraint Name'
column se format a70 heading 'Criteria ' newline
break on cn on st 
start time1 
set embedded on
prompt Primary Key
select  cns.CONSTRAINT_NAME cn,
        cns.TABLE_NAME||'.'||cls.COLUMN_NAME cln,
        initcap(cns.STATUS) st
from    user_constraints cns,
        user_cons_columns cls
where   cns.table_name=upper('&&table_name')
and     cns.owner=user
and     cns.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='P'
and     cns.constraint_name=cls.constraint_name
order by cls.position
prompt Unique Key
column cn format a30 heading 'Unique Key'
select  cns.CONSTRAINT_NAME cn,
        cns.TABLE_NAME||'.'||cls.COLUMN_NAME cln,
        initcap(cns.STATUS) st
from    user_constraints cns,
        user_cons_columns cls
where   cns.table_name=upper('&&table_name')
and     cns.owner=user
and     cns.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='U'
and     cns.constraint_name=cls.constraint_name
order by cls.position
column cln format a38 heading 'Foreign Key' newline
column clfn format a38 heading 'Parent Key'
break on cn on st skip 1
prompt Foreign Keys
select  cns.CONSTRAINT_NAME cn,
        initcap(STATUS) st,
        cls.TABLE_NAME||'.'||cls.COLUMN_NAME cln,
        clf.OWNER||'.'||clf.TABLE_NAME||'.'||clf.COLUMN_NAME clfn
from    user_constraints cns,
        all_cons_columns clf ,
        user_cons_columns cls
where   cns.table_name=upper('&&table_name')
and     cns.owner=user
and     cns.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='R'
and     cns.constraint_name=cls.constraint_name
and     clf.OWNER = cns.OWNER
and     clf.POSITION = clf.POSITION
order by cns.CONSTRAINT_NAME, cls.position
prompt Check Constraints
column se format a75 heading 'Criteria'
set arraysize 1
set long 32000
       initcap(STATUS) st,
from user_constraints
where table_name=upper('&&table_name')
and owner=user
prompt View Constraints
       initcap(STATUS) st,
from user_constraints
where table_name=upper('&&table_name')
and owner=user
spool off
btitle off
ttitle off
clear breaks
clear columns
clear computes
set verify on
set long 80
set arraysize 30