Oracle interMedia, Oracle Text, and Oracle Spatial Demonstrations


Oracle9i interMedia

Oracle9i interMedia is an integrated suite of utilities of that extends Oracle9i by offering services to store, manage, and retrieve image, audio, and video data. It also provides location services, and annotation services for multimedia data. Oracle9i interMedia includes the following components:

Oracle9i interMedia includes a number of scripts and sample programs.


interMedia Demonstration Programs  

Oracle intermedia Demonstration Directory
ORDAudio SQL $ORACLE_HOME/ord/aud/demo/
ORDAudio Java $ORACLE_HOME/ord/aud/demo/java/
ORDDoc SQL $ORACLE_HOME/ord/doc/demo/
ORDDoc Java $ORACLE_HOME/ord/doc/demo/java/
ORDImage OCI $ORACLE_HOME/ord/img/demo/
ORDImage Java $ORACLE_HOME/ord/img/demo/java/
ORDVideo SQL $ORACLE_HOME/ord/vid/demo/
ORDVideo Java $ORACLE_HOME/ord/vid/demo/java/
Java Servlet Photo Album $ORACLE_HOME/ord/javahttp/demo/servlet/
Java Server Pages Photo Album $ORACLE_HOME/ord/javahttp/demo/jsp/
Relational Interface $ORACLE_HOME/ord/im/demo/relintfc


interMedia Annotator

Oracle9i interMedia Annotator includes a media finder demonstration that shows you how to use Annotator in a content-management scenario. This demonstration is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/ord/Annotator/demo directory.



Oracle9i Locator includes demonstrations that you can modify and run. These demonstrations are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/md/demo directory.



Oracle Clipboard, a component of Oracle9i interMedia, is not available on the Oracle9i CD. To download the Oracle Clipboard from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) web site:

You must have an OTN account to download software from this Web site. Click the Membership button on the OTN index page to register for an OTN account 

  1. Enter the following URL in a browser:
  2. Click the Products button.

  3. Click the interMedia link under the Related Features and Products heading.

  4. Click the Software tab on the interMedia page.

    The login dialog box appears.

  5. Enter your OTN username and password and click the OK button.


Oracle Text

See the $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/sample/api/index.html file for information on the Oracle Text code samples.


Oracle9i Spatial

See the $ORACLE_HOME/md/demo/readme.txt file for information on the Oracle9i Spatial demonstration. See the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for information on Oracle9i Spatial.