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Edit the parameters extracted from the WSDL

When NeoLoad loads the WSDL file, it generates a default tree structure for the parameters and SOAP headers. Optional parameters may be deleted and other parameters added if the WSDL description permits.


The Parameters tab allows the user to edit, delete or add parameters.

Parameter editing is limited by the restrictions imposed by the WSDL description.

There are two types of parameters:

To add an element to a Container, either click on the + button, or right-click on the element, then select Add. In either case, the list of elements to be added is limited by the child elements allowed by the WSDL. The element is automatically inserted in the appropriate place, among the other child elements where an order constraint exists.

To delete an element from a Container, either click on the - button, or right-click, then select Delete.

To move an element within a Container, use the appropriate direction button, or right-click, then select Move up or Move down.

The Attributes section allows the user to edit the parameter attributes. The permitted attributes are listed in the table. The first column, use, allows the attribute to be added to the parameter. Entering a value in the value column automatically adds the attribute to the parameter. It is not possible to add attributes not intended by the WSDL.


The Headers tab is used to configure the SOAP headers declared in the WSDL.

Its use is similar to that of the Parameters tab.

The specific SOAP Header section allows the user to define the SOAP protocol Actor attribute.


This tab is used to define the following parameters:


The Security tab can be used to link a request security profile and response security profile to a SOAP request:

For more information about creating request and response security profiles, see Web Services Security.

XML preview

The XML Preview is allows the user to preview the XML body of the request exactly as it will be generated. The preview cannot be edited and only includes the XML body of the message (not the binary attachments, where present).

Carry out a request validation to obtain a preview of the complete HTTP request. See Edit a SOAP request.
