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Advanced actions

Advanced actions extend the behavior of a User Path.

  1. Put the JAR file in:

    • in the lib/extlib directory of the NeoLoad project if the project is collaborative or will be exported to NeoSense
    • in the extlib directory of your <install-dir> folder if the Custom action will be used in several projects

    The JAR is automatically sent to Load Generators.

  2. Restart NeoLoad.

  1. Open the Check User Path dialog.
  2. Click the Start checking button.
  3. Select the Advanced action you want to check.
  4. See the response in the Details tab.

For more information on the Check User Path dialog, refer to Check a User Path.

By default, Global Validation does not apply to Advanced actions. To enable it, check the Apply global validations on advanced action responses in Edit > Preferences > Project Settings > Runtime parameters.
