The Proxy panel enables you to add and configure, edit, duplicate and remove proxies. It is also here that you can pick a proxy you created to be used as an Internet proxy and/or as an Applications proxy.
You can add one or as many proxies as you need and use it/them for different types of connections needed by NeoLoad:
- Internet as NeoLoad requires an Internet connection for tasks such as: access the Cloud platform, check for updates, activate the license online, add dynamic content to the homepage, and export projects to the Neotys Technical Support.
- Applications to enable NeoLoad to communicate with the servers of the applications to test (record the application, validate the User Path, etc.)
- Neotys Team Server as NeoLoad requires an Internet connection to access NTS for license management.
Information: This proxy cannot be used to access NTS for collaboration.- Collaboration as NeoLoad requires an Internet connection to access external SVN servers (other than Neotys Team Server)
- NeoSense Server as NeoLoad requires an Internet connection to access to NeoSense