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On Linux

On Linux, installing the WAN Emulation driver depends on the system characteristics. The following process must be used as a general frame only.


Before installing the driver on Linux, it is necessary to have installed:

A common way to install and prepare kernel sources is to execute the following commands:

yum install -y kernel-devel-`uname -r`
cd /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`
make oldconfig
make prepare
make scripts

  1. A common way to compile the ipfw module on most common Linux distributions is:
    cd <neoload>/tools/ipfw/linux
    unzip ipfw-linux-src.zip -d ipfw-linux-src
    cd ipfw-linux-src
    make KERNELPATH=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
  2. Once the compilation is successful, the ipfw binaries need be placed in a specific NeoLoad directory with:
    cd <neoload>/tools/ipfw/linux
    cp ipfw-linux-src/ipfw/ipfw .
    chmod +x ipfw
    cp ipfw-linux-src/dummynet2/ipfw_mod.ko .
  3. Before launching the NeoLoad Agent, the ipfw module needs be loaded into the system with:
    cd <neoload>/tools/ipfw/linux
    insmod ipfw_mod.ko

    Be careful with this command as it may need root privileges to be executed successfully. If it is the case, see step 5.

  4. Then you can check that the module is correctly running with:
    ./ipfw list

    The result should be something like: 65535 allow ip from any to any

    Be careful with this command as it may need root privileges to be executed successfully. If it is the case, see step 5.

  5. The Controller or the Load Generator Agent must execute the ipfw command. You have to ensure that the account running NeoLoad has sufficient privileges to execute it.
    This can be achieved by giving the account running NeoLoad a sudo access without a password prompt to the program with:

    • Using the root account, launch the command visudo
    • Add the following line:
      <user>    ALL=(ALL)    NOPASSWD: <neoload>/tools/ipfw/linux/ipfw, /sbin/insmod, /sbin/rmmod

      Make sure that there is a line like Defaults:<user> !requiretty

      Replace <user> with the user launching NeoLoad.

      Replace <neoload> with the NeoLoad installation folder.

    • Then edit the file: <neoload>/conf/agent.properties:

      In section: [Network]:

      • Set the location of the ipfw binary in the ipfw.dir key:


      • Add the following lines:


      ipfw.mod.load=sudo insmod ipfw_mod.ko

      ipfw.mod.unload=sudo rmmod ipfw_mod.ko

  6. Restart NeoLoad.
