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Define NeoLoad Trend Graphs

By default, two NeoLoad trend graphs are displayed:

You can also define as many customized graphs as you want from your NeoLoad project. Each graph can display several curves.

  1. Select the job where you want to execute a NeoLoad scenario and click Configure.
  2. In the Build section, go to Define NeoLoad Trend Graphs subsection.
  3. Click Add Graph.
  4. In the newly created step, enter the information required to define a custom graph:

    • Enter a name to identify the graph.
    • In the Curve(s) field, the way to define a curve depends on what you want to display:

      • Recorded actions: UserPath>Actions>Transaction>Page (Use the > character to separate elements)
      • Monitors: SampleServerNode01/http-apache/All/BusyWorkers (Use the / character to separate elements)
      • Load Generators: LG <hostname>:<port number>/Memory Used (Use the / character to separate elements)
    • Select the statistic you want to apply on each curve of the graph.
